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When do most people stop having their kids do copywork?

Hot Lava Mama

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I'm not going to, as I think copywork is a good exercise and shouldn't take too long in the later grades. It helps good usage of language get cemented in their heads, and copywork can be done across the disciplines, meaning in Math, Science and e.g. Spanish to help memorize rules and facts. I guess dictation supplants copywork for many people.

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I sometimes still have my 2nd graders do copywork...probably once a week on average. My 4th grader does copywork less than that...probably only once a month.


I have no copywork planned for this upcoming year. We do dictation every day as part of spelling, though, and I intend to continue this through the forseeable future.


If I do have kids do copywork, it is always either 1) introducing a new grammar rule or 2) providing a review of another subject's material (history, science, Spanish).


I often have kids write letters to family and friends. Then, I go through them with kiddos and correct spelling an punctuation and then they rewrite the corrected letter. I guess this is technically copywork, but it's stuff they've authored themselves.



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I think most people here finish when they start dictation.


I continue copywork for my ds12 for handwriting practice, as he needs it.


Charlotte Mason advocates continuing copywork- although in later years it becomes a commonplace book of interesting quotes from literature. I guess it is a form of imitation- one notices and absorbs notable passages, ideas, sentences, wisdom.

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They are doing dictation as part of "writing," but copywork as part of their history studies. I use Reading and Writing Copybook, by a hive mind member called Kimber. The copybooks accompany the four-year history cycle, so this year we will use the Modern Times copybooks as we are studying SOTW 4. The books have fiction and prose about the time period and from the time period for the student to copy. There is also copywork from source documents, as well as poetry.


I am going to get them the cursive copybooks this year, as they need more practice in that.

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