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"Hands-On" Map?


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It seems like most of the maps that go with the various history curricula are sheets that the kids color in/label. Sonlight seems to have an extra large one that the kids use dry erase markers to write on (I think?)...I'm looking for something semi-big, something "hands on" for a young K'er. I just want something that I can ask/show him where things are, but it's more interesting than just a sheet of paper. And I don't really want him coloring it (we have enough arts/coloring activities planned in.) Maybe something 3-D, with mountains???? Possibly something interactive? (I know - what in the world?!?)


I don't even know what I'm really looking for, so I don't know how I expect you all to help me! Maybe someone has something like this, though!



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I love this map. It is plastic and 3-d. It isn't terribly detailed, but it is great for a hands-on map. I used in a for a co-op ancient history class last year for 4-9 year-olds. It got stuffed in my trunk once a week and handled by lots of kids. It is on my wall and still used most days of the week. I think it is great for the PreK-1 age group. They have a US map too.
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At that age my kids really loved looking at/playing with a globe. We just have a basic one from Staples, but it does have 3-D mountains. I guess there is also an interactive globe that talks if you want to get fancy.


For K-ers I think seeing the world as round helps them get a clearer picture of the world than a flat map--save the flat maps for details of particular countries or continents.

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Geography Songs by Kathi Troxel has an accompanying map that is large and not colored. You could get it laminated (I did) and let your child dry erase on it.


Another suggestion is to find a wooden world map or a large floor puzzle map that highlights the continents.









You could also create your own World Map, using printout continents on blue paper (the rolls of paper). That way your child can color the green areas, brown for mountains, tan for deserts, leave white for arctic. I consider that very hands-on! :)


Hope this helps

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I forgot that I also have a world map shower curtain. It is BIG. We put it on the floor or the dining room table. I think I got it at Walmart.


I have also seen people make quilts from a world map fabric. Then as they read stories, they would put a pin or something to remember the story and the place on the map quilt.

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