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X-Post - Anything Even Easier than American School?


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Dd is doing American School and she's doing very well, given that it's rather bland at times.
Their math is simply awful, however. I have never, ever seen a worst math program than theirs :banghead:.
Their writing also leaves much to be desired.
The only reason we went with American School is that it's accredited, simple for the most part, and all the other advantages that have been mentioned in other threads. 

I'm concerned for ds who will need to start on a high school program in the next year or two. He struggles. Is there anything that's even simpler and is accredited? Thank you. He'll do fine with all the subjects except their math and writing. He doesn't do well with most writing programs. He does fine with most math programs, but again, American School's math simply and absolutely stinks :blink:.

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OM uses Saxon for math in high school so unless your son does well with that, you probably should keep looking. OM also requires A LOT of writing and research.


Our American School foray lasted about 2 weeks. I so understand what you mean. Have you possibly considered BJU Distance Learning? They have an accedited school they work with. The DVDs are easy to use.





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I have only had experience with Time for Learning for 2nd grade, part of 3rd grade and part of 5th grade.  2nd grade was really pretty well done.  My son loved it and would do 15-17 lessons a day if I wasn't watching him carefully.  Normally, at that age you really are supposed to do closer to 4.  I was afraid it was too much computer time, but it was hard to drag him away.   He ended up completing the entire second grade level in about 4 months.   He was excited about returning to it for 3rd grade so it was really devastating to him when the 3rd grade material changed drastically in format and quality for many lessons.  Some material was inaccurate, or just really boring text on a screen and frequently the system glitched.  I found some material incomplete, or confusingly presented as well, and my son ended up really frustrated.  


My daughter was using the 5th grade material and I found that several of the 5th grade lessons were identical to the 3rd grade lessons.  Instructions on some items were really confusing or didn't exist, either.  Now both of my kids are dyslexic, so that does affect functionality, but honestly I was really disappointed and so were they.  We hand't intended it to be our entire curriculum, but the kids had really wanted something that they could do independently for part of the day.  It honestly felt like the 3rd grade/5th grade material had been cobbled together from several different sources and did not flow well.  Also, the tests were not always reflective of the material that had been presented, again as if the material was created by someone else (which is actually what happened).   Anyway, they both hated it and we cancelled our subscription.   I do not know anyone using the high school program, since it is really new, but hopefully they have really improved their system for high school level material.

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