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Conceptual Physiss - Schedule Anyone?

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I was wondering if anyone has already created a schedule for Hewitt's Conceptual Physics that they might want to share with me?  I'd love not to "reinvent the wheel" if some nice person already has one!

If not, I guess we all know what I'm going to be doing tonight! 





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We worked through one chapter each week starting with chapter 2. I only had 34 weeks, so I had to pick and choose which chapters to cover. Some of the chapters I put up to a vote about whether or not to include. We covered chapter 2-14 and 17-36. There was one chapter that we ended up spreading over two weeks, but I don't remember which one it was now. I was going to skip the chapter on color, but they really wanted to cover that one, so we did color instead of relativity, which they weren't really interested in.

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Well, we have 39 weeks in our school year and I have no problem if a subject laps over into another year so I suggested an appropriate pacing and am allowing my DD to figure out what schedule works best for her.  We are combining the GPB physics with the Conceptual Physics (high school text).  Here's the syllabus I provided to her; let me know if you are interested in the table correlating the GPB episodes with the CP chapters:


Completion of this course will satisfy 1 credit of high school science. The main text for this course is Conceptual Physics by Paul Hewitt. The text will be supplemented by a series of videos available online from Georgia Public Broadcasting (link provided).

The following pace is suggested to complete this course in approximately 1 year.

  1. Read each chapter, completing all problems and exercises within the chapter. When lab activities are presented in the chapter, they should be completed as well, when possible. Answer assigned questions at the end of the chapter. [2 to 4 days per chapter]
  1. Watch the videos related to the chapter, completing all notetaking guides, worksheets, and lab sheets associated with the video. Each video is approximately 30 minutes long.  [1 day per video]
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Do you have the Teacher Manual? Hewitt gives a pretty good guide to the pacing in that. He suggests skipping either Unit II or III if you need to cut content to get through the year in the introduction. At the beginning of each unit he also gives suggestions for which chapters you can omit. Like in Unit 1 he says omit Chapters 15 & 16.

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  1. Watch the videos related to the chapter, completing all notetaking guides, worksheets, and lab sheets associated with the video. Each video is approximately 30 minutes long.  [1 day per video]


Are the videos that are related to the Conceptual Physics chapters on the internet?  If so, could you give me a link?




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Do you have the Teacher Manual? Hewitt gives a pretty good guide to the pacing in that. He suggests skipping either Unit II or III if you need to cut content to get through the year in the introduction. At the beginning of each unit he also gives suggestions for which chapters you can omit. Like in Unit 1 he says omit Chapters 15 & 16.

Yes, I have the Teacher's Manual.  But usually I type up a "check list" sort of syllabus so that my son can see what's "due" each week.  I find that helps him plan his workload better. 


And thanks for the suggestions to check out which chapters can be easily omitted.




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Are the videos that are related to the Conceptual Physics chapters on the internet?  If so, could you give me a link?





I tried to include the link in my post but the message board removed it.  I'll try again here: 



If the link still doesn't take, do a Google search on "georgia broadcasting company chemistry and physics" and click on the first link and then click on physics fundamentals.  That'll take you there!


These are videos from GPD and were not made to go along with Conceptual Physics.  We just use them because they are free. 


We haven't used Physics Place.

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