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Detective Science by Wiese (Forensics)

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If you have ever taught a class on forensics/detective science I would love to know what your best resources were (internet links, books, etc).


I am midway through class preparation for a middle school level class, and feel like I am doing too much from scratch!    Surely there have got to be a lot of resources out there from people who have done this sort of class before.



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We are using this book called "Crime Scene Detective: Arson" in our co-op starting late September.




The first 4 weeks we will be learning about careers in forensic sciences, meeting a fire investigator, police detective, and hopefully a fingerprint detective (that's not his real title but I'm drawing a blank at the moment!)


I'm setting up the classroom as two precincts. Each precinct (blue vs white) will be trying to figure out the crime solution themselves.  We have volunteers who will be willing to be interviewed by the students, parents who will be my forensic lab techs and give the reports for the crime, etc.


My husband (a fire fighter) is going to burn some donated books (gasp!) and an old broken photo copier.  The "fire" takes place in a library.   I've created crime scene badges that the kids will need to wear as they travel around the co-op to interview different people and I've been gathering supplies to make my crime scene look authentic all summer.   The local fire Investigator is really excited about this class and he actually asked to borrow the book and read through it because he thinks it would be great to do this in the local schools also.


The book says it is for grades 5-8.

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