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After finishing MM 2, DD took the CLE 200 placement test and failed it.


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First... hugs! 


Second...  I'm wondering how much review you did before she took the CLE test.  Is it that she temporarily forgot over the summer?  Perhaps after a little review she'll catch up quickly.  FWIW, if I skip math for more than a couple of weeks, especially at the younger ages, I know that I'll need to re-teach before we can move forward.   

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My first thought was what the others said. Maybe it was from the summer break? I'd review for awhile then try the test again. Hugs! Is it the "testing" that bothers her? Does she seem to know it otherwise (like when you are working with her), or is she just struggling over all in math right now? 

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When we started back this year, DS1 barely remembered any of his multiplication facts.  At the end of last year, he could fill out up to 12x12 in a table in 5 minutes or so.  The first week back, it took him over an hour.  Now we're in our third week, and he's remembered most of his facts.  He can do a table in 7-10 minutes.  


It might just be a bit of summer brain rot. :)

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