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Is there a math that is largely interactive from grades 4-8??

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I'm still trying to figure out what to do about math for my 4th grade dd.  


I think I figured out what she doesn't like about math...lack of color, lack of challenge and above all of that, lack of interaction.


During Mental Math, she yells out the answers quickly and happily.  Then, we go over the lesson together and my daughter is content.  When it comes time to do the lesson on her own, she starts out OK, but then wilts and wilts and wilts and wilts until my beautiful, happy, cheerful, sweet flower is a parched and wilted burned out rose in the desert.


OK, maybe that's over the top but seriously...she is a Sociable Sue and that's the thing.  If I can find a math that involves hands on activities and lots of interaction with me and maybe even with objects, the joy will return.


IF not, then I'll just stick with Saxon and we will do more on the white board and chalk board, and mentally.  

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Singapore is pretty much fully interactive.  You introduce things in a concrete manner, then pictorially, then in the abstract-- lots of interaction.  Then they can do some practice problems alone just to solidify the concept and practice to get it into memory.


So how to keep from losing it at that point?  Can she work on a white board in a room where you are doing something else, instead of doing it on paper?



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This sounds like RIghtStart math, which doesn't technically go through 8th grade I suppose, since you have to stretch it with the geometry level and use Videotext A.


What about doing more of the lesson together instead of leaving her alone to do it? Or making it more interactive by making it like a game or contest, she works out the answer and then you write it on a whiteboard if it's correct, and so on. Maybe that would take forever though... 


My own dd hated every math program we tried except for RIghtStart. She loves interactive, hands-on math. So right now, I'm just using Maximum Math as a guide, and going through and making sure all of her arithmetic is down solid. Anything I find she needs to review, we do with things like Education Unboxed, which is very interactive and we do it together. We also have stuff like Hands-On Equations and Challenge Math to work on together.

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I had meant to answer your questions about MUS, my eldest son, who is graduated now, used MUS all the way through so I'm very familiar with it.


I think it's very traditional in its presentation, Mr.Demme stands in front of a whiteboard and does the problems, and then the student still has to do a worksheet by herself when the lesson is over. It might not be that different for your dd, than doing the lesson with you and then working on the assignment on her own.

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OK, I think what I need to do is buy some manipulatives and do as much as we can hands-on.  NO matter what math we choose, much of it still has to be practiced.  I could make the presentation of new material more interesting with manipulatives and I could also let her use manipulatives and the white board to do more of the Mixed Review together.  

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It sounds like you could use any math program, and just make sure YOU are still involved during the practice time. Sit beside her and talk with her about each problem. Have her explain what she's doing as she does it. You could also do "Buddy Math", where you alternate you and her doing the problems. Practicing math does not have to equal you handing her a book and walking away. You can still be involved during practice time.

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Your dd sounds just like mine. She liked MUS as long as I taught it. I think the program is far less important than the interaction and you are really in control of that. Teach on the white board. Let her do problems on the white board so you can interact as she goes. Mental math is always interactive. Don't leave her alone too long with a math book.


I really needed to be reminded of those things. I should make myself read this at least once a week.

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I know..boring definitely describes it.  I looked at Singapore and although it is more challenging in the way they apply mental math concepts throughout, I don't think the mastery approach appeals to her.  Staying on fractions for two weeks would pretty much undo her, even if they were applied in the challenging way that Singapore applies things.  


My only other main idea was Horizons.  The color and the quick pace worked OK for her last year but again, since it is not interactive but pretty much self teaching I don' think that makes much sense either.  It would only be marginally better for her.


Which brings me back to my idea...if there is more challenge (being in the appropriate level of Saxon) AND if I combine that with doing things orally, on white board, and with hands on objects as much as possible, then I think it will be a keeper. Yesterday I did her clock lesson with a Judy CLock and then with the practice problems she used the clock rather than writing down the answers.  It went pretty well.  

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OK, I didn't go through with the next level of Saxon.  I ordered Horizons 4.  At least it is colorful and challenging. I  did order the hands on kit so that we can do as much as possible with hands on items, and I will be sure to cross out the problems when there are too many.  At least hte color and the challenge is appealing to her.  


My son feels comforted by the gentle nature of Saxon and the clear uncluttered pages and I definitely like how easy it is to teach.  But I used HOrizons with my dd last year and it went pretty well.  So we will go that route.  At this point I just can't bring myself to try something new.

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