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tell me about teaching textbooks.


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Just that.  Considering this for my dd13..a very unmathy child.  Hoping this might be a good fit.


But the placement tests seem very easy and not very comprehensive.  For example there is 1 problem in the 6th grade test that uses percentages...but none in the 7th grade test...and my daughter is in 7th grade...but had I not looked at the 6th grade test, I would have missed that....but that would probably be the ONLY problem she would miss on the 6th grade test and on the 7th grade test, the one problem that jumps out at me is the one question on the radius of a circle (which she hasn't had)....


if you have been following my math saga...she has some huge gaps and in the process of trying to fill them in, we have hit a hard, tall, wide, thick wall and I can't break through it...so I am hoping by having someone else teach her, that might help.


so what are your expereinces and your opinions of this program??

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Ppl are going to say that it is too light. My non mathy 13 y/o dd tolerates it and it has stopped Math melt downs and battles in my home and that is very worth it to me. My relationship with her is worth more than daily math battles. She excels in other ways and TT for my non mathy kid works great. My 4th grader is doing TT5 and my 3rd grader is doing 4th grade TT, I bumped them up because they can handle it. Google and you will find kids who have used it all the way and have scored high on standardized tests. HTH.

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My older daughter used to have crying fits and major hissy fits when it came time to learn algebra. We wasted a full year trying different programs and even hired a tutor. Nothing worked. Then I found TT and she sailed right through it. She used TT for all four years of high school and her test scores were on the college level. She took the Iowa test and scored a 13+ (highest scored level). It teaches differently then other math programs, but in the end the kids learn what they need to know. My rising 3rd grader is more than half way through TT4.

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Ppl are going to say that it is too light. My non mathy 13 y/o dd tolerates it and it has stopped Math melt downs and battles in my home and that is very worth it to me. My relationship with her is worth more than daily math battles. She excels in other ways and TT for my non mathy kid works great. My 4th grader is doing TT5 and my 3rd grader is doing 4th grade TT, I bumped them up because they can handle it. Google and you will find kids who have used it all the way and have scored high on standardized tests. HTH.



My older daughter used to have crying fits and major hissy fits when it came time to learn algebra. We wasted a full year trying different programs and even hired a tutor. Nothing worked. Then I found TT and she sailed right through it. She used TT for all four years of high school and her test scores were on the college level. She took the Iowa test and scored a 13+ (highest scored level). It teaches differently then other math programs, but in the end the kids learn what they need to know. My rising 3rd grader is more than half way through TT4.

:iagree: .  DS loves TT.  He hated math with a passion.  Since starting TT he doesn't have meltdowns over doing it.  

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Teaching Textbook is great for those kids who hate math and don't get math at all. And cries looking at any numbers or the moment any school work gets opened.

It is good for those who just pulled their kids out of school and need something right away. It makes them feel good and think they are doing great. 

They can use that first year to do all the research on math curriculums etc. You know find Spy Car, Crimson and many others etc. 

My kids were very insecure when they first left school. They accepted Teaching Textbooks just fine and felt very confident. But by the end realized they were bored bored bored and READY for more. 

I did however supplement with other things by the 2nd semester and they were okay with that because TT did stuff they already knew. So sometimes keeping it simple and easy in the beginning can build them up when other experiences tore them down. 

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