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Where to buy blank white paper cheap?

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My local newspaper, when I called them, sent me to their recycling plant and for $5 I have a ginormous endroll (I have to store it under my bed) but it's wonderful! Mine get a huge sheet that either covers the art table or can be used on the floor and just go for it. It should last until they go to college :) HTH

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Definitely yes to the end rolls from your local newspaper - ours gives them away for free. Also, if you have an office supply store that does cutting, ask for their end pieces. Especially if it is a local store rather than a chain. I have gotten end pieces of all sizes and weights, including nice sized poster boards; also different colors. Sometimes they've had a large order from a business, for example for brochures in a variety of colors, and I got the end pieces. I once got the prettiest blue end pieces that were just barely shy of 8.5 x 11 and were a thicker - almost light cardboard - weight.


As an aside, if you have a local paint and wallpaper supply store, they will give you their outdated wallpaper sample books. Those patterns can be great for all kinds of things! When doing shapes some years ago, for example, I cut all different ones out of pretty colored/textured wallpaper. Good for artsy things.

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