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I Can't Do It

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At least not at this very moment.


Warning:   :rant:


I just can't seem to motivate myself to make the kids start school this morning and they are certainly not motivated to do it themselves!


I planned to get up at 5am this morning to go for my run. My ds9 woke up earlier than that because he had to throw up, and did several times. 

In comforting him and taking care of him, I missed my run, along with most of my own studying time (I'm in grad school).


Later, during the kids scheduled personal time, I was heading upstairs to take a shower when dh texts me that he forgot the information he 

needed to schedule a flight. So back down the stairs I went to get the needed information and just told him I'd take care of it since the stuff 

was already in front of me. The transaction was more or less simple enough except for the looming disagreement we have about whether just he or all of

us can/should go. Let's just say, as usually, it's a monetary disagreement. I have learned over the past 19 years that all the Dutch folk I know FIT the 



And, of course, no morning would be complete without the kids getting into at least one loud argument. :boxing_smiley:


Our week has already been interrupted by unexpected invitations to spend time with friends who are moving out of state at the end of this week

and a field trip tomorrow. DD is on a college prep schedule, etc, etc, etc, 


BUT I just cannot seem to find the motivation to even tackle this day is a school day. Ugh. :glare:


Anyone else feel like this is a Monday??


(Thanks for listening.)

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Sorry you had such a crummy morning.

I think you should give yourself permission to NOT start school today.

In my house, a kid throwing up would automatically make it a non-school day.


And besides: it is Wednesday. It obviously makes no sense to start school on a Wednesday ;-) Especially not if tomorrow is a field trip. I suggest you guys start on Monday.

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Thanks for that! 


Maybe I should clarify: we have already started the school year as of last week.

This week has just been rather interrupted. I think I've pretty much decided that I'M not doing any teaching.

The kids can do science together and Spanish on their own with Rosetta Stone.

Maybe then I can get my own studying done.

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Today was a total bust for us, too . . . it was such a beautiful day, and the girls were playing outside, and I didn't have the heart to make them come in right away.  Finally I did, and they worked for an hour, then a friend, who is starting school tomorrow, called to see if she could hang out with us on her last day of freedom . . . I chucked the day's plans, and we're heading to the pool!  Some days are like that.


I tell myself that we've gotten 5 "extra" days in already by starting early . . . we still have an end-of-summer camping trip, then there is labor day . . . all the days before September that we can get in are gravy, I figure.


Though I did tell them that they owe me a day!  ;)

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