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Booth at a Homeschool "Orientation Night"


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My husband and I are promoting his home computer support small business at a Welcome Wagon (orientation night) for our local homeschool support group.  Lots of people there.  We have no idea what to do for a booth.  We don't want it to be "cheesey" but we want to draw people in. 


What would draw you in and what would turn you away? 

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Perhaps you could do a take off on the old Ghostbusters movie quip, "Who you gonna call?"


And then one of the trifold poster board displays that says "Nasty viruses!", "Printer won't work!"(peripherals), and "Soooo Slooooow...". IMO, these are the most common computer problems that affect homeschoolers. Then you could do bullets on each panel detailing how you can fix the problem for the customer. maybe also a brochure to stack in one of the Lucite holders on the table that goes into more detail about all the issues you can help people with.


Definitely have a take away piece - brochure, business card, magnetic business card, etc. - so that people can keep your number handy for when they might need it.


You also might consider a "Back to School Computer Check Up" package that would include a professional cleaning of the hardware and whatever it takes to maximize speed and efficiency of the software, security updates, filter updates, etc. It would be great if you could get people in the habit of scheduling this during the month of August so that you could get repeat business each summer. You might also consider a few different levels of this, such as Basic-best for families with young children or few users, Intermediate-ideal for families of older children who use the computer for more than just school work, and Advanced-designed for families with multiple users who rely heavily on the computer for school and business, also social media and entertainment use.


You could also offer a "Homeschool Special", perhaps where people could pay a nominal fee up front to join a "club" and have you on call during the school year. the fee would guarantee quick response and perhaps even loaner equipment until their computer problem gets fixed. I know a lot of homeschool parents would pay to know they could keep the progress flowing even if they had a problem during the year. I'm cheap, so I'm thinking not more than $25 - 50 per year for the "Homeschool Club", but you know better what your customers are used to paying.


Remember to keep your booth area as simple as possible. The thing that should jump out first is the main thing you want to promote (your business name or a particular special offering), not a cute, colorful, busy table cloth or whatever. (However, tablecloths do make a table look more professional. I usually use an inexpensive solid color sheet, but make sure it's not wrinkled.) I would think a trifold, a brochure holder, business cards, and perhaps a clear cup of pens or whatever. Not a lot of stuff.


HTH! I have a background in PR, feel free to pm me if I can be of additional help.

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Thanks so much.  This was a big help.  I'm getting excited.  It's tomorrow night!


I'm excited for you! I love doing this kind of thing.


If you are having trouble breaking the ice with people, you might decide to do an informal survey of the people there to identify what their most troublesome computer problems are throughout the school year. Everyone loves a sympathetic ear. And that is an easy way to get conversation flowing.


Also take a clipboard and lined paper or a legal pad so people can sign up to be notified about future specials and announcements if they wish. Get their email, not regular mail, so it won't cost you anything to contact them. Then if a particularly nasty virus starts circulating, you can send out a public service type announcement telling people what not to do to avoid getting it. And of course, encourage those who may have already gotten it to let you help them get rid of it. Or a zillion other things you could send as an announcement, to keep your company's name in the mind of potential customers.


Best wishes!


PS: Wear tidy clothes, as you would wear if visiting a client you didn't know well for dinner, but definitely go for comfortable shoes! Stand by your table instead of sitting to be more open to passers by.

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