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Anyone do notebooking for SOTW 3 and 4?


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I plan on using SL Core H this year with my oldest ds13.  We'll be using SOTW 3 and 4.  I would LOVE to do some kind of notebooking to go along with this core, but haven't seen anything that stands out to me as a great plan.  I didn't get the activity guides, because we have comprehension questions to answer in our SL IG, and we'll do mapwork on the markable map.  I know he's too old for coloring pages, so the activity guides are pretty much out. 


I thought about doing some blank notebook pages that he could write a written narration on, but that just lacked the visual appeal.  Does anyone have notebook pages or could tell me how I could make some?


Thanks so much! ;)

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We are on week 3 of SOTW3. I made a notebook page for each section in the book. At the top I put the chapter and section information, then the rest of the top half of the page is taken up with a visual of some kind: portraits, genealogy charts, maps, pictures, or some lapbook element. Google and Wikipedia are my friends! Mine are younger, so I usually give them a few specific things to write in the lined portion of the page (the bottom half). I'm making them as we go, trying to stay a few chapters ahead, but I am finding them pretty quick to put together.

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At 13, could he not make his own page? Have him find his own images or draw, if he likes?


Have you gotten the figures from hannahs homeschool helps yahoo group? There's one for each ch of SOTW.


Mostly, though, imo, at 13 it's time to take notes on reading, make outlines, and start doing researched papers every week or so on topics of choice from the readings. Ymmv.:-)

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