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HELP! America the Last Best Hope

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I am/was planning on using these books for my US History this year.  Since I was just going to purchase an online subscription to the RoadMap I have put planning this part of our school year off til recently.  Now I have found that RoadMap no longer exists - YIKES!  I have looked and looked all over the web for lesson plans and assistance and have been able to find none.  Can anyone HELP?!

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Months ago when I was researching Last Best Hope, I found out that Roadmap was not available.  The best substitute I could think of was Hippocampus for American history.  They offer textbooks to go along with lessons/video. There are map and writing exercises too.    You could probably use Last Best Hope if you could figure out how to incorporate the videos with the chapters- I imagine that would take a bit of work though.  I'm not sure if this is any help at all, but you can see Hippocampus here:




We have not used hippocampus, so I can't give a recommendation.  I'm shopping for an American history as well to use with my oldest when she is in 11th grade next year.  I have considered both of these programs.



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Yes, it looks like it is AOK (which is the root of my problem) but you can't actually get it.  Called customer service and was told "This is the wrong number.  You need to call..." 5 separate times.  After lots of transfers I finally got a voice mail.  Nice lady called back immediately to tell me HMH no longer is selling this product. :crying:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, it looks like it is AOK (which is the root of my problem) but you can't actually get it.  Called customer service and was told "This is the wrong number.  You need to call..." 5 separate times.  After lots of transfers I finally got a voice mail.  Nice lady called back immediately to tell me HMH no longer is selling this product. :crying:


Oh no!! Say it isn't soooooo!!!  :sad:

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I wish I could, Handmaiden.  I have even tried emailing Bennett.  No response.  Someone contact him please!!!  We are now going with 'A Patriot's History of the United States' plus original documents because of input I received from Hillsdale College.  I found a little help with lesson plans and tests here - http://www.patriotshistoryusa.com/teaching-materials/

I sure do wish I could use Roadmap though as it seems that it would have lots of great resources with a lot less thinking/work from me.

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I haven't read much into either book but, from what I have seen, "ALBH" is an easier read.  But I like "APHUS" a lot too.  I went with the latter because of the recommendation from Hillsdale and because I could find some help with lessons online.  I'm getting the Patriot's Reader (not sure if that is actual title) in the mail soon and hope that is helpful too.


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