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Xpost Gap year question

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Okay, here is my dilemma...my daughter graduated homeschool in May.  She did not take the ACT or SAT because she wasn't interested in attending college.  Now she is having second thoughts.  Is there a way for her to take a gap year (or something similar) this fall, and then study a ton and take the ACT or SAT whenever it is next offered with a goal of scoring high enough to get scholarships, etc.?  Or is it too late for that?  What is the best way to still be eligible for scholarships, etc.?   Thanks!

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I *think* you can just go ahead and take a gap year.  As long as she doesn't take any college classes, I'm pretty sure she can apply as a freshman for next fall and be eligible for scholarships.


I'd suggest she:


--Work at least part-time during the year (good for putting on college applications, as well as saving for college) 


--Do lots of research on colleges starting now and find out the application deadlines and scholarship rules and deadlines for those she's interested in.  Talk to the admissions offices of these colleges about the gap year to verify whether all will be well for admissions and scholarship eligibility.


--Start studying for the ACT/SAT now.  In order to have the test results back in time for college applications, she should probably take the tests asap this fall for the first time, then if needed, work on shoring up any weak areas and take them again no later than Jan/Feb.  Again, the timing will depend on application deadlines--and also scholarship deadlines.  Some colleges have rolling admissions into late spring, but check carefully regarding scholarships--sometimes you have to apply much earlier to get the best scholarships (or to get your choice of housing, etc, etc.)  


--Spend this fall working on her college applications.


In a way, taking the gap year could be very nice as she can focus on the testing and college apps without the added stress of doing school at the same time.


Hopefully others who've actually done a gap year will chime in with their experience (and correct me if I've said anything that's incorrect! )


Good luck!

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One thing you may want to try now is having her take a sample test at home of the ACT and SAT and seeing if it looks like she will be in the ballpark for scholarships and then you can plan from there. The ACT is offered next in September and the SAT in October.

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You might want to also ask the college(s) you're thinking of.


At the community college where I work, some scholarships are only for those who graduated the previous May, and some are for anyone.  Being a community college, there are more of the later than the former.

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