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FlyLady's Teacher Control Journal

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The reason Flylady says what she says is because most people join her site because their houses are messy and they want to change. Of course she will think that if your house is messy you aren't ready to teach your kids.

I did try to do what she suggested once, maybe twice. But keeping a super clean house just isn't high on my list of priorities. No need to get offended though, IMO.

Take the advice you like, ignore the rest.

That goes for my post too. :--)

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I also don't appreciate those statements, but I scrolled down to see what was there and all of a sudden I am a little inspired to mail a letter to my kids telling them how excited I am to be there teacher this school year! Has anyone done this for their kids? I think I might just do it! :hurray:

I don't mail the letters, but one of our first-day traditions is that there is a note at each child's place at the breakfast table, in which I tell them how happy I am to have them learning at home with me, along with a brief preview of the things we'll be studying that year. They love these. Last year, DS2 was 3, almost 4, and he had one for the first time; he has kept that note (and then this year's too) tucked in his box of crayons and supplies. I know my older kids keep their notes and reread them too. (Had to include the 2yo this year too, haha; obviously I had to read it to him, but then he walked around carrying it for a few days.) For the older kids, it is a tangible reminder that even when I have to be the bad guy and make them do actual, y'know, hard work, I'm still grateful to have them here.


And while FlyLady isn't really my thing, I can see why she's helpful. If you really have no idea where to begin with getting organized, she's offering a solution. As with anything, you can go whole-hog with it or not, whatever works for you.

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