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What is your favorite multivitamin with iron?


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So I did order the Rainbow Light Prenatal. Has a good amount of iron in it. I noticed it has a probiotic in it. I already take PB8 Probiotics 2x a day. Can I still take the PB8, or I wont need it because the multi already has a probiotic in it? Thanks for the recommnedation!

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I'm not pregnant, so it is ok to take a prenatal?


Yup, it shouldn't hurt you. Some women get too much iron in menopause, though, so that's something to watch for.


So I did order the Rainbow Light Prenatal. Has a good amount of iron in it. I noticed it has a probiotic in it. I already take PB8 Probiotics 2x a day. Can I still take the PB8, or I wont need it because the multi already has a probiotic in it? Thanks for the recommnedation!


I take a probiotic separate from the Rainbow Light when I feel the need (like if I have a tummy upset or something). If you have symptoms or issues that the probiotic addresses, then you could stop it for a few days and see if the built-in probiotic helps, and if not, add the separate probiotic back in.

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Well, I am not in Menopause. I am iron deficient.(controlled as long as I stay on iron) I take seperate iron pills, but wanted a good quality multi with iron. And thanks for the tip on the probiotic. I will probably continue to take the PB8, I just didn't know if to much was a bad thing, KWIM?


Thank you!

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