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Problems with fatigue, what tests do I need?


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Here is a quick background: I probably also have PCOS, though never officially diagnosed. My Mom has it and my sister and I have many of the symptoms. I have a period maybe 3-4 times per year. I have had hormone testing in the past and many of them were off but nothing ever really worked to regulate them either.


Now I am noticing my fatigue getting so much worse. I can hardly wake up in the morning and am groggy again after lunch. I am only really feel awake in the evening and later in the night when I should be asleep! I also have that foggy head feeling quite often.


So, I had my B12, T3, T4, zinc, and A1C tested. Now think I should have asked for Free T3 and T4 instead of total, so I will probably have to redo those. The total T3 and T4 are both at the low end of the normal range. With the PCOS I thought if my A1C was high maybe I should try Metformin. But it was normal.


Does anyone have any thoughts on what else I should be testing or doing? I can not stand feeling this tired all the time!

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Do you know what specifically I would ask for the adrenal tests? I have to go into a lab on my own and ask for these, so I have to know specific test names and figure out what they are in Spanish. Thus the reason I asked for total T3 and T4 when I should have asked for Free instead.


Thanks for the recommendations.

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