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Naked baby pics

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For myself, I try to think of whether my kids will want anyone to see the photos when they're teens or older.


I do have naked butt photos of them, but I find that if the butt isn naked, I like the photo better if the face isn't showing -- for example, One day 2-3 years back my 3 were sitting on the edge of the tub waiting for it to fill. I got a couple of adorable photos, both of hich showed some bare butt. I found that I didn't care for the one where they'd turned their heads to face me, but I loved the one with just the backs of their heads (it's been printed on canvas, hanging on my wall). Same one day when my (then 2yo) youngest was prancing around the garden wearing nothing but fairy wings... the pics with her face showing just didn't look as good to me as the ones stricly from the back. It goes on. Even the newborn pics give me the same feeling -- I had a couple cropped before printing for photo albums for that reason (though I still have, and look at, the originals). Somehow the ones showing their face and bare butt make me... not quite uncomfortable, just... I feel like prints/albums having the bare butt w/out their face showing offers them the kindness of plausible demiability when they're older, maybe?


I conclude that I like bare baby butt, or cute baby face, but not both in the same photo. Weird, I know. I haven't paid much attention to other people's kid butts since my cousin scandalized the family by displaying a bare-butt photo of her young son in their living room (it was maybe 1975).

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Interesting. My Mom has a few naked pictures of baby me and I don't really think of it as 'my' behind. It is the behind of the baby I was but it really looks nothing like me now.

I agree.  I've shown people pictures of me as a naked baby.  Who cares?  I certainly have never met anyone who cared!  

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I wish my mom knew where she put my favorite picture of me as a child.  I was probably 4 or 5, sitting on the carpet at my grandparents' house watching cartoons.  I was sitting on a towel, eating a bowl of chips or nuts, completely naked since I had just gotten out of the pool and stripped out of my bathing suit.  I had the cutest little tan lines on the cutest little bum you have ever seen. 


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