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School Anxiety

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I am feeling very anxious about school this year! We are complying with a new law... and I just. I just can't seem to find a center. My mind runs round and round all the different choices. I have been a HOD user for many years now... but last year (fall) I tried running four guides and we hated it. Hated it with a passion. I keep coming back to HOD but I am scared it will be a train wreck again. I am also worried about the financial commitment needed. I am drawn to AmblesideOnline and CMHelp however I seem to lack the brain cells needed right now to properly implement those plans. (Nursing baby brain- hence the HOD comfort level). 


I need school planned out, simple, economical, and stream-lined.

8th, 7th, 5th, 4th, 2nd and K. We use Horizons Math for K-3 and Saxon at 54 and up.

I have Atelier for Art and Land Animals for the 5-Kers. I am pondering DIVE Earth Science with the plan to continue with those levels for the 7th and 8th graders.


Comfort, support, ideas, BTDT-

anything you've got- I am all ears!


(P.S. Martha- if you see this- on another thread you mentioned that your curriculum choices are linked in your blog- but I haven't been able to find the link to your blog!)


Thank you. I have been part of the HIVE since before my oldest son (13) started K. It has been years of support.





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Well- I thought about deleting this thread- but that seemed to be a difficult procedure.


Then I read this blog (which was exciting because twins are on the way- and our twins just turned 2. O the memories!) which I found courtesy of the After Thoughts blog... which reminded me of the Andrew Kern mega thread on the forum-


in which I printed out (several weeks ago)- his very own comments about teaching from a state of rest and put them in the front of my binder...


so, I think I just need to remember.


And Just Do It.



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My friend does HOD with her 8 children.  She gives them the appropriate age manual and expects them to complete it on their own.  When they get to a point where they need a teacher's help, they come to her, but otherwise they are on their own.  She buys all the books each child needs to go with their manual and everyone just checks off the boxes when they're done.



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My friend does HOD with her 8 children.  She gives them the appropriate age manual and expects them to complete it on their own.  When they get to a point where they need a teacher's help, they come to her, but otherwise they are on their own.  She buys all the books each child needs to go with their manual and everyone just checks off the boxes when they're done.



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