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AAS Level 7 or R&S


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My rising 5th grader has completed AAS Levels 1-6 and I'm not sure what I'd like her to do next year. We could move on to level 7 but I have 2 younger students using AAS and it's so teacher intensive that I'm being tempted by R&S Spelling for her at this point.


Would it be a smooth transition from AAS 6 to R&S 5? Is it worth sticking with AAS for level 7? Could we switch over in 6th grade to R&S if we complete AAS 7 in 5th? Dd loves AAS and doesn't want me to change but I'd love to be down to 2 AAS students instead of 3.

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How is her spelling in writing? I'd say if it good, why not get 7 and just cover what you think she needs and then just correct spelling in her writing. I stopped mid level 5 and switched to R&S. got burned out. r&S is easy to implement and my kids actually like it but if I were as far as you, I'd probably want to be done with spelling soon!

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How is her spelling in writing? I'd say if it good, why not get 7 and just cover what you think she needs and then just correct spelling in her writing. I stopped mid level 5 and switched to R&S. got burned out. r&S is easy to implement and my kids actually like it but if I were as far as you, I'd probably want to be done with spelling soon!

I wondered about that approach too - she certainly gets the practice through dictation. She is a good, natural speller to begin with but we've enjoyed learning the rules of spelling. Part of it is my problem - AAS and R&S get such good reviews I thought I wanted to use both :p

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I don't know much of anything about AAS, but I own and have used the entire Rod and Staff Spelling by Sound and Structure series. An average fifth grader could start the 5 book, and an average sixth grader could start the 6 book. Spelling by Sound and Structure is largely independent, and once my DC were used to the format I was only needed for calling words twice a week, helping if they were stuck, and correcting work.


The 6 book is the last year of the strong spelling instruction, and a great "finish" for spelling. The 7 and 8 books are primarily root based vocabulary, and the spelling instruction backs down to once a week. 5 is a workbook, and 6-8 are textbooks. The textbooks don't require much more writing than the workbooks, aside from titling the page.

So, it would be easy enough to jump in at level 6? I actually prefer textbook as it's then completely reusable with my other two kids. For some reason I had in the back of my mind that level 5 was important for some reason.

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I went from AAS mid level 5 to R&S 5th with my 3rd and 4th graders and it was a good fit.


R&S is only about 15-20min a day independently with a spelling test at the end of the week. You could just hop in at grade 6. IMO kids actually seem to like it.


We just did level 5 last year. There is nothing I would say she would need to cover from there after having done all of that AAS

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So, it would be easy enough to jump in at level 6? I actually prefer textbook as it's then completely reusable with my other two kids. For some reason I had in the back of my mind that level 5 was important for some reason.


Yes, you could. 6 is the important one you don't want to skip.


My oldest DC started R&S at the 6 level, coming from a hodge podge of stuff that just wasn't working (Spelling Workout, etc.). There was a learning curve for him to adjust to the book and what was expected of him, but it wasn't difficult. It was smooth sailing after the first couple chapters.

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