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Opgtr vs PP


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I was wondering if Opgtr goes more in depth or go up to a higher reading level than phonics pathways? Does one offer more game, hands on ideas than the other? Is reading pathways used during the same time as pp or is to be used after you finish pp? I am interested in both, but having a hard time deciding between the two! Thanks!

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Both take the child to a 4th grade reading level.


Phonics Pathways has more game ideas involved.

Reading Pathways can be used while you're using PP, though you don't have to use it. My middle son LOVES RP. He thinks the pyramids are fun (and the boost his confidence in reading!). You have to get to a certain point in PP before you'll be able to start the pyramids in RP.


Between OPGTR (which I also own and tried to use) and PP, I much prefer PP for these reasons:


1) The blending method taught in PP is fabulous... both my 3 and 6 year old suddenly found blending easier the SAME week, about 6-8 weeks in using PP. They were in different spots of the book, but they both had a noticeable jump in blending that week. It was eerie.


2) The font size in PP is more appropriate to young eyes. If you use OPGTR, especially with a 4-5 year old, be prepared to write a lot of it on the white board. Also, OPGTR uses a font where the capital i looks the same as a lower case L. That can be confusing to early learners.


Both books work if used consistently every day. For an older child, I might consider OPGTR for remediation. For a younger child, I much prefer PP because of the font issue and the better blending instruction.

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I felt like the font was too dark & crowded in PP.  The full pages were overwhelming to my DD -- so I had to rewrite them anyway. 
I do like how PP teaches blending, though.


I also like OPGTR (as a reference).  It also has some hands-on activities/games included (recommendation on ways to use letter tiles, letter cards in games, etc).


But neither program -- for me -- is open & go.

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I own both. I use Phonics Pathways. My reasons were similar to boscopup's.  But as to their content and how far they'll get your reader? Totally comparable.  Take your pick.  I was able to check both out of the library and compare them.  Maybe see if you can do the same? 

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OPGTR worked great for my boy -- we worked through it cover to cover in one year (from the time he was about 4.5 to 5.5), and it did its job of creating a confident and competent reader.  I assumed  that OPG would work for my daughter at that age as well, but I was wrong -- it frustrated her immensely.  We switched to Phonics Pathways, which uses a lot larger font and has a lot more repetition, and my daughter loves it -- the joy of learning is back, and she is making steady progress.

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Another big difference between them is OPG is totally scripted. PP isn't, and doesn't have as much hand holding for a teacher.


I used PP with my older children before OPG existed. It worked fabulously for four children.

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