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American Short Story Anthologies-recommend any?


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I'd like a few American (or World even) anthologies (or collection of) around, any particular printings you have come across as good choices? I think I'd like them in more current authors for this, and not especially classic focused for this hunt.


Thanks if any come to mind and you'd like to share. Adult reading level is fine.

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Anthologies we have used include Mosdos Press (elementary and middle school) and Textword Press (high school), and we are adding Norton's Anthology (college level) this next year.  Like you, I wanted more than mere classics, and a wider variety of reading selections.  Mosdos for the younger set is a nice mix of authors, some a little more contemporary (post 1900) but not necessarily written in the past 20 years.  Still, a nice change from Little Women and Swiss family Robinson! Hahaha!  You can see every author represented for every level on their web page.  Textword Press is by another publisher, but it is so similar to Mosdos in style and presentation that I thought it was the same publisher using a different name.  We have really enjoyed it thus far.  Norton's may have themes a bit mature for my 14 year old, but we need more contemporary and mature material blended in.  I'm just going to pre-read and make sure it isn't too objectionable.

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Hey, that Mosdos is pretty okay looking. I think that's just about right.


Did you buy the workbooks or any of the add ons as well?


That's really not bad for a price. I wouldn't have a problem creating question banks for this sort of thing, but for as light as her needs are here right now, I'd rather just get one that's already done and take the disucssion from there. Saves a lot of work in the beginning.


I have the Norton American Lit, but not Short Story. I also checked our local library and everything I even thought looked "okay" has to be shipped in. Not worth it. By the time a ILL comes in, it's time for it to go back. Aggravating, just better to buy.


Thanks for the recommend, I can do this for under forty bucks with a used copy and get the guide also.

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