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This is so silly!

Night Elf

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I never plan so far ahead, but I'm having a stressful moment realizing I have absolutely no idea what to get my two youngest for Christmas. The only thing my son wants is the new Playstation 4 and a couple of games. He has preordered them with his own money so there isn't anything for me to buy. He would be so disappointed if I didn't have a surprise or two up my sleeve. I barely squeaked by last Christmas. I am thinking so far ahead because I need to start saving, but I don't know what I'm saving for!


I know there are some of you who start planning months in advance to find the best deals. Please tell me I'm not 100% crazy for worrying about this already. I suppose I must always be worrying about something, so I guess I need to find something else to worry about, because I really do feel quite daft. :confused1:

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Won't some other game system come out by Christmas? At least, there will be some new popular games or someone will launch an awesome new tablet. I wouldn't worry about there being no new electronic doodads in time for Christmas. That's like 100 years in tech time.

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