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4 day week using TOG


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Can this be done? We used to do a 4 day week and the last 2 years we did 5, but I am thinking a 4 day week would be wonderful again. The only thing I am worried about it TOG.


I love TOG, and am always struggling with wanting to do more of it than what we do in a 5-day week!


What if you did a 4-day week on all subjects, and 5 days of TOG - so that 5th day could be devoted to TOG projects that your children work on together?

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I love TOG, and am always struggling with wanting to do more of it than what we do in a 5-day week!


What if you did a 4-day week on all subjects, and 5 days of TOG - so that 5th day could be devoted to TOG projects that your children work on together?


We have co-op classes on Thursdays and it's hard to get everything done before 11:45 which gives us enough time to eat and leave. I was hoping to do math & latin in the monrings those days. I will have to look at our schedule again. Maybe we could get up extra early that day. I do have our TOG week starting on Friday so we can do reading over the weekend.

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Can this be done? We used to do a 4 day week and the last 2 years we did 5, but I am thinking a 4 day week would be wonderful again. The only thing I am worried about it TOG.


Hi Jean,


We do a 4 day week, but I can't always squeeze all of TOG into 4 days. About half the time we run over into the next week. <shurg> Because history is a lower priority here than other topics we just take longer to finish a year. Some days I have a faint hope that someday we will actually finish a year in a year, but then I see the level of work and realize that for us, it will probalby always take longer. :rolleyes:






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Can this be done? We used to do a 4 day week and the last 2 years we did 5, but I am thinking a 4 day week would be wonderful again. The only thing I am worried about it TOG.


I started off with my perfectly scheduled 4 day week and I though it was too much. We switched back to the way we did it last year, now I do TOG in 3 days;)

I started back last week. I planned out my schedule, and I decided we could get so much more done if I went back to the block scheduling we did last year. Things just flow, I decided to do this by block scheduling for Spanish/Latin, History and Science. We do ALL LA 4 times a week and Fridays my kiddos lovingly call " Fine Art Fridays" . We also do Math and have our weekly meeting for assignments and I pass out the upcoming weeks books so they can get a big jump on the weekends.

It's been two weeks but I know this schedule just suits us , so we'll keep it up.


Monday (2 hour block)

They read (they get these books the previous Fri. so they are basically on the tail end of the reading assignments), I read, we watch a video and do some note booking or projects.

Tuesday(2 hour block)

I read, they read we do SAP's & mapwork

Wednesday (1 hour)

We do our discussion and finish any project.

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I'll give public praise to both Quiver & Shari -


This has been so, so helpful, ladies! TOG has been the last piece of my scheduling puzzle, and Shari's schedule (with Quiver's inspiration to post it, of course!) seems like it can work for me.


THANK YOU! :grouphug:

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Hey Quiver -


I don't know if you're subscribing to this thread anymore, but here's what I came up with tonight. It's not 4 days, but day 5 is light, and it takes into acct. that I really DON'T want to do much school on Friday afternoons.


I'm also not sure how many dc Shari has, but I've got 4 school-age in all 4 levels.


We schedule 1.5-2 hr. block for TOG every afternoon, right after lunch.


Here goes:



History/Bible/Worldview readings for all

Geography/Mapwork - D/R do timelines as well

Writing teaching and Pre-writing



Finish Reading to Grammar Girls

Ind. work on writing (or write with Mom)

Begin Hands-On projects

D/R Read, Read, Read



Turn in writing to Mom for proofing

Grammar Girls do Lapbooks/ind. work on hands-on

History Discussion day with D/R



Literature SAP's and Discussion

Revise Writing



(morning - hour block before lunch)


Wrap-up and Hands-On as needed


(after lunch, as available)

D/R introduction and schedule out next week's assignments


Whew! Thanks for humoring me while I type it out. Now - I'm sure hoping the piano teacher doesn't throw a kink in this schedule!!!!

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Thanks for posting your schedule, can I ask when you do your literature reading?




Julie -


My kids are all old enough to read their lit on their own - hopefully, it will happen during one of their "independent work" blocks during the day.


This BETTER work - last year was not so good, kwim??

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This is not quite a 4 day week, but I wanted an admin day on Fridays, so I refused to teach any subjects. I made sure that on Thursday everyone knew what they needed to accomplish independently on Friday, and then I went about my business managing home, errands, doctor appointments, prep for company, etc. It worked well. I sometimes did some managment to direct kids, but I was not sitting down and working with them. Perhaps that could be a compromise for you with the TOG. A longer session on Thursday to get the ducks in a row so to speak, so that Friday could be independent accomplishment of all that is left to do.

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