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Well that was gross. sigh.

plain jane

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It has been several weeks of just crap after crap around here. Everything that could go wrong has. I don't want to get into details but it has been so very stressful.


Went to a friend's house today to get out for a bit and try to alleviate some stress. My kids were at the park across the street and my 2yo ran out to join them.


I didn't think much of it as my oldest is 11 and is good about keeping an eye out. It's a park surrounded by 10 houses and fairly small and private so there was not any real danger of cars or stranger abduction or things like that.


Well turns out that little one got hold of a restaurant cup (with straw) of milk and drank it. Ugh. Not only does this child have complete dairy intolerance but I have no idea how old this milk was or what other diseases the original owner had. Uuuuuuuugh. It was likely some child as a lot of schools are over here and it was a clear cup of milk with a straw, not an adult drink.


I can't have the plague or stomach flu or strep running through my house right now. Stress levels are through the roof already on so many levels.


I never should have left the house. Sob.


But it was nice to relax for a bit and forget about all that is going on in my life.


Gah. Tell me we are not going to get the plague. I'm running on such little sleep and now I'm so worried about this.

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You will most likely not get the plague. If the milk was spoiled dc probably would not have drunk it. I wouldn't stress about it. That is borrowing trouble.


I am sorry you are having a stressful time right now. I can totally relate. Lots of health issues and job loss going on around here.

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When ds14 was little, he was the master at finding things that were not his and partially drinking or eating them before we even knew what happened. Off the top of my head, I remember a partially eaten pb&j sandwich he found under a picnic table at the pool as I was setting out our snack, an open soft drink and an open water bottle both discovered at oldest dd's rec league basketball games. We weren't negligent parents. He was just stealthy and fast. He never got the plague...or even a minor illness. I'm sorry this happened though; especially when you're already stressed. I remember the ick factor I felt when it happened to us. Hugs.

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