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Best version of Gulliver's Travels for 10yo/12yo?

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When DSs were young, we enjoyed this version which is a retelling by Hodges, but it is probably more for ages 6-10yo... Seems like all the versions are either retellings like the Hodges for younger children, or the original... You might try this online abridged version; it appears to be very close to the original, with substitutions for just a little bit of the harder/more obscure vocabulary.


I also like previous poster's idea of excerpts from Jim Weiss reading the text. Or, how about enjoying excerpts from Part 1, starting with chapter 1, from the original text available at Gutenberg Project?

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What about the language disturbs you? Is it the vulgarity or the archaic language? DS (11) and I read the free unabridged one on kindle a few weeks ago and I thought it was fine. I was a little surprised at the vulgarity but the archaic language was easy to deal with on the kindle. I just paused and looked it up when I needed to. We only did a small portion as a read aloud and the rest on our own. I think any children's version would be good to reduce the vulgarity but we read the Illustrated Classics version several years ago and I think it left out too much.

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We didn't have much time, so I had my kids read an abridged version from Core Classics. You can also find an online teacher's guide and worksheets for free. I also had my 11 yr old read Swift's satirical essay "A Modest Proposal" where he suggests that poor people eat their babies.

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