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Ebay payments


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Item was "purchased" 5 days ago. Invoice was sent. Payment has not been received and no other communication from buyer.


How long do you wait before emailing buyer and asking if they have forgotten to pay?????



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I just went to the selling info. She has NO feedback and just joined in May of 2013.


How can you block these kinds of people from bidding? I thought there was a way to say you only will allow people with XXX amount of feedback to bid on your item????


I am thinking she will be a deadbeat. I will give her until Mon morning to respond to my last request and then open a dispute.



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I don't sell on ebay, but I was curious enought to go poke around their site to see what they offer.


Here's a basic article:




But for nice people who dislike being mean, they have an unpaid assistant, which, if I read correctly you can toggle on even now after a sale, http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/unpaid-item-assistant.html It will even relist the item for you.

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