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NOEO Science Users-- I need your help!

Ruthie in MS

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After MONTHS of deliberating on a new science pick, I finally decided on NOEO Science. It seems to have the perfect blend of living books, experiments and notebooking. Which is a big difference from Apologia Astronomy. :ack2: We've also done FIAR Vols 1-2 which had dabbles of science.

NOW my dilemma is: which course or level should I use? I have dd6 (soon to be 7) and dd9. Level 1 is for grades 1-3 and Level 2 is for 4-6. I would LOVE to combine my girls and not use two different science levels. I want to start out with biology because it seems easy and we've hardly done any science at all. My dd9 would enjoy either level but I have a feeling she would love Level 2 (even though it would be a tad over her head). My dd6 would proclaim that she hates it all, no matter which I choose (yes, she is one of those).

We have hardly covered science at all (consistently anyway) and now my oldest is 9. It's got to get done but I'm going crazy trying to decide which one. I don't mind supplementing a little with appropriate books or videos but I love that NOEO is already laid out for me. I would also love to know if there are any Facebook, Yahoo groups or anything that would be helpful for a new NOEO user. Thanks.

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I think I would buy for the child who is likely to appreciate it. As a bonus, level II is less expensive and includes a book that is also used in other level II courses, saving additional money when you look towards next year. We have just finished biology level I and enjoyed it. Looking over the level II course, I think my almost 7 year old would benefit from it were I to do it with my 9 year old in mind.

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We just started Bio 2 w/ DS5 (yes, 5) even though he's so much younger than the recommended age. The primary reason I chose level 2 was that it started out w/ microscopy, and microscopy interests me. Selfish, I know! But there's nothing worse than a bored teacher, and weather (which bores me to tears) is the kick-off chapter for Bio 1. :-). Besides, it made perfect sense to me to start the study of biology with an examination of the building blocks of life, the cell.


And it's been a huuuuuge success. We did modify the NOEO plans for the first couple of weeks because they are primarily book-focused and I wanted to get my son out on the field and into the "lab" (okay, our basement, where we keep the microscope) right from the get-go. We collected pond water, found "water monsters" living in it, put drawings in our science notebook, and DS is hooked. He begs for science now. We will probably expand our microscope study beyond NOEOs plans, and am sooo glad we went with Bio 2.



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This is my conundrum, as well. My 4th grade DS said he wants to do physics next year and I am torn between getting level I (some of the books look really fun and 2nd grade dd can tag along more easily) or level II (I think the books are more on his level). I am thinking I may go ahead with level II but get a few of the most interesting-looking books from level I as a supplement (plus the K'nex levers and pulleys set since we already have and love the gears set).


Would that be overkill?

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This is my conundrum, as well. My 4th grade DS said he wants to do physics next year and I am torn between getting level I (some of the books look really fun and 2nd grade dd can tag along more easily) or level II (I think the books are more on his level). I am thinking I may go ahead with level II but get a few of the most interesting-looking books from level I as a supplement (plus the K'nex levers and pulleys set since we already have and love the gears set).


Would that be overkill?



I'm not familiar with the physics sets yet, but based on what I've seen with Bio, I'd prob do Phys 2 and have dc2 tag along, either by modifying the phys 2 lessons (eg, by reading aloud to him and simplifying the notebook entry), or by using Phys 1 books as the budget (or library) allows. I ended up purchasing the TG for both bios, and while I'm using 2 as the spine, I'm occasionally integrating resources from 1 when i think they'll help ds5 or appeal to dd4. The topics covered (in Bio 1 and 2) are similar; they primarily just use resources written at different levels. To avoid overkill, I'm just trying to be flexible and not attempting to complete absolutely everything in both 1 and 2. We are using CC Acts and Facts Science cards for memory work, so my goal with NOEO is not to memorize or master all the info, but just get excited about science and exploring our world. (And I'm a humanities girl; I had a terrible PS experience with science and didn't develop a love for it until college, so if I can inspire my dcs to love it too, that's a huge success in my book.)

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This is my conundrum, as well. My 4th grade DS said he wants to do physics next year and I am torn between getting level I (some of the books look really fun and 2nd grade dd can tag along more easily) or level II (I think the books are more on his level). I am thinking I may go ahead with level II but get a few of the most interesting-looking books from level I as a supplement (plus the K'nex levers and pulleys set since we already have and love the gears set).


That's my problem too! The Level 1 books look fun but I know she would really like Level 2 more!!


I would go level 2 bio and pik up a few of the level 1 books or supplementary books from the library.

You have just solved my problem! You ladies are awesome! I don't know how I didn't come up with this on my own but that's why I love this forum. Thank you ladies for the collective thinking and taking the time to answer my question.

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