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Twin Block Orthodontics?

Laura Corin

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Does anyone have any experience? Hobbes is having top braces, followed by twin block treatment to realign his jaws, then bottom braces. I'm familiar with braces (Calvin had top and bottom) but twin block is new to me. In case it's called something different where you are, this is what it looks like (I'm not able to listen to the audio at the moment, so I hope there's nothing untoward on there):




He needs it because the bottom jaw is so far back that the bottom front teeth are damaging his palate.



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My ds12 is using the twin block appliance right now. His lower jaw did not seem all that very far back to me, but his orthodontist said that it was and suggested that he use the twin block for 8-9 months before the permanent braces. He has been using it for the past 3 months or so, and I think I do notice a slight improvement in his jaw alignment.


It is painless and removable. He has to remove it for eating. He found it a little difficult to speak with them for a while, but he seems quite comfortable and is used to them now. I have to supervise the cleaning though - he does not do a good job of maintaining them clean. Otherwise all in all it has been quite easy and going by the results that I am seeing now, I think at the end of the 8 months it would result in quite a difference.

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My daughter, who just turned 11, has been wearing the twin block since mid April. So far so good. The jaw is going the direction the ortho wants it to. She will get braces eventually after she loses some teeth and the jaw gets to the correct position. It appears from your video that you may have to do some adjustments with the device. We don't have any adjusting. She was sore the 1st couple days after getting it. It has been easy to care for the teeth and appliance.

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My daughter, who just turned 11, has been wearing the twin block since mid April. So far so good. The jaw is going the direction the ortho wants it to. She will get braces eventually after she loses some teeth and the jaw gets to the correct position. It appears from your video that you may have to do some adjustments with the device. We don't have any adjusting. She was sore the 1st couple days after getting it. It has been easy to care for the teeth and appliance.


Thanks - that sounds good.



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