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EIL books colour coded by history period

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I don't know if someone else has already done this but I seem to remember someone asking in past about a document like this but no one could find it. :)


As I was planning for next year and the future, I wanted to correlate the books used by Excellence in Literature (EIL) to the 4 history periods in the WTM. I took the author's free list that she has posted on her website, used highlighters to colour code it, and then scanned it into my computer and saved it as a PDF. I'll attach it here in case anyone else finds it useful. I don't think I'm breaking any copyright laws - the page that I'm attaching is available for free on the EIL website and all I did was highlight it. :)


Note: The yellow highlighter didn't show up well when I scanned it. If a title looks as though it hasn't been highlighted, it's supposed to be yellow, which corresponds to "Ancients".


Edited: I had to remove the attachment so I could attach something else somewhere else on the forum. :) If anyone still needs it, just PM me and I can email you a PDF copy.

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