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MOH 1 for 7th...?

SS in MD

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I just wanted some feedback from those who have used MOH 1. Do you think it would be too easy for 7th grade? If so, any thoughts on adding other resources? I'm planning to use BP Ancients for the rest of the dc, but wondered oldest should use another spine (besides KF, she's already ready SOTW Ancients)


Thanks for your help!

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I think it would be fine. The author has set the lessons up to include 3 different age/grade ranges. My 7th grader did MOH Vol. 2 last year in our co-op. The teacher added in pertinent historical novels and had the students prepare oral reports and written papers. He also had to do a country report which was quite extensive and included preparing a native dish and dressing in native costume. I found it to be plenty for my 7th grader - he's an average student with a love of reading. My youngest will be in 7th this coming fall and will be enrolled in MOH Vol. 3 in the same co-op. He's looking forward to it.

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I'm doing MOH 1 with my 6th grader. I am adding in reading to enrich it. I am reading the lessons aloud because of K son. I'm not really crazy about how it's written as if talking to you and some of her comments. Those seem a little young to me.


What do you plan to do next year? I'm all ready wondering if I should have done this because of where she'll be starting high school. I saw her recommended high school schedule, but that doesn't address starting in middle school. I'm hoping for some duel enrollment in high school, and I haven't really checked into requirements or what courses they even allow in GA.


I really chose it because it was the only thing I could come up with that I could have her do with her brother. I'm not having him make memory cards, but she is. We aren't doing the timeline. I just didn't feel like we had time for it this year.

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