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Around the World in 180 days OR Mapping the World with Art

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Just answering to give you a bump!

I've only used Mapping the World with Art, so can't compare for you. We are 3/4 way thought with a 8th, 6th, 4th, and 2nd graders. We usually only do the map work, the older two do a bit more. We love it. It's a highlight of this year. My boys even draw world maps on their own time. Any curriculum that inspired that is a winner in my books!

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Hi, I saw this the other day, but didn't get a chance to reply. I'm trying to stay off the internet. :coolgleamA:


We started both last January, so I've formed some solid opinions on both programs.


I would say that Mapping the World with Art was hands-down a better program for my kids. It comes with DVDs, a PDF with some activities that go along with the lessons and she also has a YouTube channel that shows little documentaries about each region you draw. The drawings are awesome. The lady is awesome. She's very easy to listen to. The only complaint my kids have about it is that they have a hard time seeing her pencil drawings until she goes over them with the black ink. We end up turning to lights off and they can see better. I'm wondering what she could do during filming that might make the pencil lines more visible... Anyway, we really loved this program. I'm probably going to try her chemistry also.


OK, Around the World in 180 Days. This was rough and we ended up shelving it. It was very expensive (I had to buy separate student notebooks for each student + a teacher's guide). There is a ton of writing - which was actually a plus for us. My kids need to write. My kids were able to handle all the writing. Finding the information for each question was difficult for my kids and our library did not have many of the books that were recommended at the beginning of the chapter. Also, I think this program is probably better for much older kids (like closer to high school). It's basically read, research and answer some questions about each continent. The only thing the kids liked was the map work - ironically - which we could also do through Mapping the World with Art. Anyway, I hate to say it, but AW180 was not a good fit for us.


I hope that helps!

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