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Desperate for Math/Algebra Help

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I'm so sorry to ask AGAIN for help but I'm really needing help. My daughter is just finishing the 7th grade. In the past, she's not been very confident in her mathematical abilities but since we switched to CLE (three years ago), she's been doing well. Confident and independent. SOO...She's just finishing CLE 700 series. For some reason, I have made a HUGE mistake. At this rate, she won't be ready for Algebra until 9th grade. I feel that it will limit her college options and she is very much hoping to go NCAA D1. Somehow, she needs to start Geometry in 9th Grade (having completed Algebra). We school year round so I do have some additional time. Please help. HOW do I get to Algebra in this coming school year? Should we get OUT of CLE quickly? If so, what do you recommend? Should we move through the 800 Level quickly (cut out some of the repetition) and try to finish by November or so? Is it just too late? Is the damage done? Dd has done well (usually scoring at least in the 90's on her tests and quizzes. Singapore and MM made her weep. Thus far, she is very solid in her math skills. Thank you in advance for any assistance. I have read the threads on Algebra/Pre Algebra/fence straddlers, the need for Pre-Algebra and...I think that my head is going to BLOW UP! :banghead:

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I don't have the definitive answer here, but I will add my two cents anyway . . . Must she have completed Geometry by 9th grade? Back in the dark ages, we weren't allowed to start algebra until 9th grade (and I loved math and was good at it). So, I took Algebra I my freshman year and then I took both Geometry and Algebra II concurrently my sophomore year. Would something like that work? Also, are you sure you need pre-algebra? My ds does CLE math and I think it is pretty thorough, covering most of the pre-algebra type topics (he just finished 5th grade). I don't know if that helps, but I don't think you should be panicking!

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Ok, there are a few options I would consider in your dd's case. If this is really a high priority which its sounds like it is then decide up front that Summer and next school year will be a weighted heavier in the math category. It really is an important subject especially at this critical juncture. You could for example lighten up on science or other subjects at least in terms of hours spent. Then devote more time during the school day to math. There are some families that spend up to two hours plus per day on math as a norm (see Robinson Curriculum). So to do that for a *season* at least will be worth it IMO to get her to where she needs to be. Will she whine more especially in the beginning? Sure. But will she die from the experience? No. It will help if she understands the importance.


I know cutting corners is always an option. Just be careful at this critical juncture since Algebra is the basis of all higher level mathematics. If there is any place you *do not* want to gloss over Algebra is it. Having solid Algebra skills will be critical for her academic success in the future, whatever that takes (e.g. more time daily, doubling up, taking a little longer, etc...).


Keeping in mind I have thought about this quite a bit since both my dds use and really enjoy CLE here is what I would in do:

1. Increase the time daily. Fine tune a schedule that works best for this. Break math into two different times during the day separated by other subjects if need be.

2. Use Two programs concurrently - Pre-A (CLE 800) to cover gaps and other concepts not addressed sufficiently yet in CLE 700.

3. Skip the consumer math sections especially toward the end of CLE 800, basically accelerating the last year of the program. The workbooks are cheap and she is used to them already.

4. Skip excessive review. Just test to verify understanding first, then move on. There was a whole thread on this a while back in terms of skipping certain light units especially during 700 & 800. http://forums.welltr...y/page__hl__cle

5. Start Algebra 1 concurrently being careful of what you select. Make sure to not overwhelm her. But at the same time don't pick the path of least resistance such as the easiest Algebra one can find.

6. Consider making Summer a Math Summer and get through a significant portion CLE 800 just like Summer School courses in high school and college.


Another variation:

Many times folks use a gentler/easier Algebra as a pre-Algebra such as MUS, TT, etc... Then they move into one which is more standard in terms of S&S and rigor. You could go this route instead skipping 800 and starting right away with one of these. Just for my own sanity I would probably purchase a select number of 800 light units to fall back on in case she needs that reinforcement.


The main thing you want to do is build her confidence while challenging and preparing her for more advanced math to come. Bottom line is this takes time which is time well spent on building a strong Algebraic foundation.

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I agree with Derek. I have no idea what's in CLE 800, but I'd probably make a list of must-have topics in 800 that she hasn't seen before and do them over the summer (how many could there really be?), using whatever random resources, and then start algebra whenever you finish that (algebra could always go thru next summer). Or, I'd use Jacobs algebra, starting now.

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My daughter had an awful time with algebra. We literally wasted a full school year trying to find a program/tutor to get her to understand algebra. We found Teaching Textbooks and it is the ONLY reason she was able to grasp it. She took geometry after algebra 1 and then did algebra 2. She is very good about doing her school work and she was able to do the geometry in about 4 months over the summer by doing several lessons a day. She finished the geometry and will be doing the Teaching Textbooks calculus this summer. She had a year of business/consumer math and was able to graduate last week with her homeschool high school diploma. The college she wants to attend requires the calculus, so that is why she is taking it this summer.

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Guest RU4MSU

I have a son with high functioning autism, and he did very well with Teaching Textbooks as well...he did Pre-Alegbra and then Algebra 1, very successfully. I love the way it is auditory, visual, and walks you through practice problems, but revisits problems along the way so they don't forget what they were doing before.


Incidentally, I have both of those for sale if anyone is interested?

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I agree with Derek. I have no idea what's in CLE 800, but I'd probably make a list of must-have topics in 800 that she hasn't seen before and do them over the summer (how many could there really be?), using whatever random resources, and then start algebra whenever you finish that (algebra could always go thru next summer). Or, I'd use Jacobs algebra, starting now.


Jacobs may be a good middle-of-the-road-easier-to-start-with Algebra. The fact that it begins with more pre-Algebra review may be just what she needs.


Summer would be a good time to really hit the books and do some catch up/Algebra prep.


I'm not sure how much research or consideration has been given to an Algebra program yet. But whatever is selected I highly encourage you to involve your dd in the selection process. Much will depend upon her learning style and skill level. Finding a 'good fit' for Algebra makes a big difference whether that program is more or less popular with other families. She will be the most important factor in all of this. IMO, it would be a good idea to pick up some resources now to review over. Many of these books can be found on the used market for pennies on the dollar. Other programs offer free demos, etc...


One more consider which some like is taking an online course from Jann in Texas or Derek Owens. The thing with textbooks is that they require a bit more instruction from the teacher/parent depending on how much help the child needs.

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Thank you so much for all of your advice. Dh and I spoke with our daughter and she would like to try and complete CLE 800 level this summer. I'm really NOT sure what type of Algebra program would be best for her. BUT..At least we have direction now.

I remember feeling in a panic about Algebra for my first daughter. I panicked (she was in 5th grade), and enrolled her in an online program that was VERY pricey and...a horrible fit. Sigh . Praying to do better this time because...I also need a Pre-Algebra program for my "just finishing 6th grader." Oh my...They're very different students....One step at a time...

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