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I am looking at these at CBD, and don't see study guides available. Does anyone know if K12 offers a study guide to go along with the books?


K12 publishes related student guides and teacher guides. I bought CYR6 and the related teacher guide used, very inexpensively at Amazon. About half of the exercises relate to K12's online lit course, but we still got a *lot* of good from it offline. I recommend them. I'd be happy to answer additional questions if you like.

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Thank you! Do the guides cover lit. analysis? My dd will be in 7th, she loves reading and has fabulous comprehension skills, but lit. analysis is somethng I pretty much have to "pull teeth" to get her into. The books look great, the price is right. How painless is the analysis portion? I want to cover it thoroughly enough so she is prepared for hs/college, but I know it's not going to go over well - lol! :)

I'm not as interested in the comprehension questions/vocabulary, etc... as I am in actual analysis of what is being read.

Do you know if the guides can be purchased directly from K12? I always find their site to be a little difficult to browse through.


The teacher guide for the 6th grade level includes both comprehension/"check your reading" questions *and* literary analysis exercises. I haven't seen the 7th grade level, but I'd guess it would be safe to assume that the level of analysis is increased in each grade level. The 6th grade guide covers things like character analysis, tone, audience, themes, thematic similarities and differences between the stories covered, and there is one unit (several lessons) on writing a literary analysis essay. Throughout the teacher guide there are questions such as "Why do you think character ____ did ____? Do you think ___ was successful? What do you think ___ learned from the final outcome?"

And "Why do you think the author wrote ____? What might the author be trying to suggest about ____?"


I would think you should be fine using the K12 guides offline with a 7th grader (especially if she may be slightly reluctant at first, so perhaps a formal outside/online lit class might be too much for now?). There is quite a bit of guidance in the teacher pages, even for offline users, although of course the grading rubrics/evaluating would be entirely up to you. For me, the attraction of the K12 materials was the quality of the stories combined with the laid-out, open and go format.


I'm sorry, I don't know if you can purchase the guides new from K12 without enrolling in their course, so hopefully someone else can chime in on that. However, the used ones I bought were actually in new condition with absolutely no writing or markings in them. If the used ones you want are priced high now, just wait a bit and check again. I paid more for shipping than for the guide.


FWIW, I've also heard IRL and read here on the HS board that the 8th & 9th grade level lit/English courses through K12 are very good, even better than the lower/elementary levels. I'm keeping them in mind for when that time comes for us.

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