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S/O Singapore 6A/6B or Pre-Algebra

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I can't answer for Tablet Class or AoPS, but I can say that I began ds11 in SM 6A following SM 5, and stopped him rather quickly to out him in Lial's PreAlgebra. For my son, there wasn't enough practice with the concepts in Singapore. He is doing well in Lial's (pulling a pretty solid B average) and does LoF on the side (finishing Decimals and will start LoF PreA in a couple weeks). We will finish Lial's during 7th grade. I don't think skipping SM 6A/B h hindered him at all, and at least for him, it might have been a bit of a detriment as he just seemed to be done learning from the Singapore series.

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I can answer the TabletClass part in terms of difficulty compared to AoPS. TabletClass is a challenging Pre-A course which my son just finished ~ 5 weeks ago. He had finished MUS through the first few chapters of Pre-A. From what I've read about SM it is more challenging than MUS. TC was quite a step up for him with some complex, multivariable equations. But the lessons were very clear and straight forward. This really helped.


We looked at using AoPS as the spine for Pre-A. But it was just too much. We did however supplement with it including the video lessons along with Khan Academy when needed. That was an excellent combo to prepare ds11 for AoPS Intro to Algebra which he is working through right now. Learning many of the algebraic concepts first in a more straight forward manor helped prepare him for the discovery approach of AoPS which followed.

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So TabletClass Pre-A would be a good transition into AoPS Algebra?


My son does well with Singapore, it really seems to be the way he thinks. I am trying to decide between staying with Singapore or transitioning to something else. My concern is the fact that many say that the teacher resources for the higher levels of Singapore can be lacking and it has been many years since I have done higher math. Also, I am finding that while the Singapore approach speaks to me (wish I was taught that way), I don't naturally think that way. Once it is shown to me it is like a light bulb goes off and I say, "Why didn't someone put it that way when I was learning? This makes more sense." But I cannot always make that leap myself as my brain doesn't quite work that way.


My son seems to intuitively "get" math and I want to make sure he is challenged and reaches his full potential. And I am very nervous about the decision since he is my oldest and I am new to this whole prepping for high school thing. Thinking about math is giving me fits. :unsure:

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So TabletClass Pre-A would be a good transition into AoPS Algebra?


My son does well with Singapore, it really seems to be the way he thinks. I am trying to decide between staying with Singapore or transitioning to something else. My concern is the fact that many say that the teacher resources for the higher levels of Singapore can be lacking and it has been many years since I have done higher math. Also, I am finding that while the Singapore approach speaks to me (wish I was taught that way), I don't naturally think that way. Once it is shown to me it is like a light bulb goes off and I say, "Why didn't someone put it that way when I was learning? This makes more sense." But I cannot always make that leap myself as my brain doesn't quite work that way.


My son seems to intuitively "get" math and I want to make sure he is challenged and reaches his full potential. And I am very nervous about the decision since he is my oldest and I am new to this whole prepping for high school thing. Thinking about math is giving me fits. :unsure:



Yes, I understand this feeling with our oldest. I think that is partially why I did so much research for Pre-Algebra and also purchased ~ 4 different resources. I did the same for Algebra 1 before starting AoPS. Every child is different and as such there is no one size fits all. But TabletClass was a great prep for AoPS Intro to Algebra primarily because it taught ds11 how to struggle with difficult algebraic concepts and even come back to them when he couldn't solve them right away. That learning could come through other programs as well. It's just that TC introduces more advanced algebraic concepts than most Pre-A programs. So it helps prepare for more difficult things to come. Also note that there is a half off sale which ends soon.


Our second choice was Derek Owens Pre-A which is another excellent course.

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Any idea how long they are running the sale? Will need to wait until next payday on Friday...


Even at full price which we paid I think it is a good deal. But I think the half off sale ends in ~ 5 days. Here is an email I got from John Z. about it 2 days ago:



Don't wait too much longer to take advantage of our "Super Special" - $50/ year full course membership for TabletClass Math. This offer has really been a big hit and people are taking advantage of this in large numbers. Remember this is the best offer we ever made with TabletClass Math. Bottom line this deal is too good to miss! ACT FAST this is a limited time offer and prices will go back up.....


PS: Tell your friends.....they will thank you!

Click Here To See The Special Discount


Have a Great Day!



BTW, John is a very helpful guy. If you explain your situation he may extend it for you until next Friday.

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