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Finally making reading progress

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My girls have been truly struggling with reading. I had the same issues growing up but became a very good reader before I left elementary school. Well, we had tried MANY products including 100EZ, Progressive Phonics, Phonics Pathways and now we are using All About Reading. We had decent progress with PP but hit a brick wall at long vowels and we switched to AAR. Well, today one of my DDs brought me a Berenstain Bear book that has been impossible for her to even try to figure out how to read. She read MOST of the words correctly and did such a great job trying to sound out and figure out the other words. I am SOOOO excited about the progress. I am not sure what to give credit to. Perhaps just sticking with it and not letting her get discouraged. I try to have both DDs read everything we come across. The other DD is doing great as well. They both read me two level 1 readers from the library last night. There were some days that I felt SO discouraged. I need to make note of today for those such days!

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Don't you just love that feeling!!! Both my older boys struggled reading as well. My 1st grader has been slow and steady all year and just the other day read a Frog and Toad book to me like it was nothing. It boosted his confidence so much that he jumped for joy! In both cases with my boys, it was like a light bulb turned on and it became so much easier for them. I used 2 different programs and the same thing happened. When they are ready, it just happens as long as you keep going at their pace.

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:hurray: :thumbup: :hurray:


For my kids, learning to read was like potty training. We work at the basic skills needed to be successful, make sure nothing physical is hampering them, and then wait for something to "click" in the heads. (At that point, some are good-to-go, & some have set backs occasionally.)


I have five potty trained. :coolgleamA:


I have three reading & one at the beginning of "reading training." :laugh:

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How exciting. Congratulations!!! My oldest struggled for a while and then one day she read one of her picture books and from then on it clicked. I loved that moment. Now I am starting the process with ds and it is going very similarly. It hasn't clicked yet but I know it will one day if we keep working on it. Watching when dd finally got reading was one of my favorite parenting moments.

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