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Baby stuff


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I'm expecting baby #2. Due end of January or beginning of February. What stuff would you register for??? #1 will be 5 in November, we give away all of her stuff once she out grew it because we had no where to store it.

I am interested in cloth diapering to save money, and breastfeeding (I did breastfeed dd).

I am also interested in making some things so if you have any places to get free patterns that I can hand sew or crochet, I would appreciate it. I hand sew because sewing machines and I don't like each other :)

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We kept everything from our first, so we needed almost nothing this time. Some things that have gotten a lot of repeat use:

- sleep sacks (our first child liked to be swaddled, this one needs his arms free -- some sleep sacks can convert to either way)

- a Boppy bouncer chair. It is lightweight so I can bring it easily from room to room

- a large playmat with arches overhead to hang toys. I would get a simple one and hang some cloth toys from the arches

- books and more books

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Well babies need food, diapers, sleep, safety, and warmth :)


Breastfeeding (since you specified): nursing bras (get sized AFTER milk comes in), breast pads, some sort of nipple cream (I like bag balm/lanolin personally), burp rags.


Diapering: diapers (extras depend on your cloth diaper style, I use disposables so I can't speak much to that), wipes, bum cream (I use the bag balm for this too, lol)


Sleep: crib? Co sleeper? Bed rail for your bed?


Safety: carseat. Gate, eventually, if you have stairs or anything else that needs blocking.


Warmth: clothing, hats, blankets.


Everything else is gravy. I will say that a few toys and books are always nice. A chair they can sit in, the lighter and more mobile the better, comes in handy. Baby tylenol, teething tabs, and gripe ater are the sort of thing you will find useful at 3am. We have a small home so we didn't buy much extra stuff. :)

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I loved my side to side fisher price swing. I know it's not necessary. But when mine were babies and desperately needed to sleep and wouldn't, that always worked.


If you want to cloth diaper, research what you want to try and register for some different ones to try out. Or reigister for "gift cards" to places that sell cloth diapers.


You definitely need a car seat, clothes, diapers, blankets. But other than that, it's what you want.

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If you want to cloth diaper, research what you want to try and register for some different ones to try out. Or reigister for "gift cards" to places that sell cloth diapers.


:iagree: Take a look at craigslist or ebay for assortments. We're trying cloth with the next (did disposables with the others), and the more I research the more confused I am with so many choices. So I found a "lot" on craigslist, with 2 of this and 3 of that - total 11 diapers, but 5 different types. Plus the lady sat with me a few minutes to show me how they work (more complicated than you might think!). I won't know which one we want more of until baby is here and we've tried them, but there's no sense stocking up on one kind then finding out that it's not going to work for us.


I'd register for a carseat, stroller, sling/carrier and swing/saucer/jumper - someplace to put the baby when he's awake but you need your hands free.

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Well, with dd we used the pack and play the most, crib was a waste of money and so was a gate. Dd was a climber/ escape artist.


Whereas I wish I had gotten a gate earlier. We ended up needing it to keep our daughter out of the kitchen and help out once she started moving with keeping her safe.

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We had it also to keep dd out of the kitchen when the stove/oven or dishwasher was on. I think we had it for two days before she scaled the darn thing at 11 months. Crib she scaled at 8 and 1/2 months and conquered the toddler tent in the same week. Pack and play was also 11 months, she figured out how to tip it over :( she used the pack and play since birth so we felt we at least got some good use out of it.

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