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Dr Hive - what is wrong with ds9?


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He says his hip hurts. He showed me where, and it is in fact what I would call his hip. He says it has been sore for a few days (though this is the first I've heard of it), then after sparring class tonight it hurt a lot more. He doesn't, nor do I, remember anything that could have caused an injury to the area. He is fairly accident prone and has fallen a few times in the last week, but nothing out of the ordinary for him or that caused any immediate pain. The area is painful to touch, but there is no bruising that I can see, so again, I don't know that he injured it. But he even got up after bedtime because it hurt enough that he couldn't sleep. I gave him some children's ibuprofen and he is asleep now, thank goodness, but he was pretty pitiful.


So any thoughts as to what I'm dealing with here?

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Your post mentioned "sparring." Is he in martial arts?? Hip flexor injuries are VERY common in martial arts! Pretty uncommon in kids, but it can happen.


Another thing it might be is growing pains. My ds (almost 10) occasionally comes in almost in tears with knee and hip pain. We have an AWESOME pediatrician who saw the concern in my face when I took him in, so he did a full range of tests and xrays that would have caught ANYTHING. He said boys have a harder time with growing pains since their growth spurts are further apart and more intense than girls.


Either way, I'd definitely get him checked out.


Hope he gets to feeling better soon!

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Yes, he is in martial arts, and tonight's class involved some fairly intense sparring matches. But he said it has bee bothering him all week. I am familiar with hip flexor injuries - I am also in martial arts and have had one myself. But when I injured my hip there was an immediate, intense pain. Ds said this started as just soreness. Could it just be presenting differently?


Ds is a pretty tough kid, so when he says it is really bothering him I take it seriously. I'm thinking I'll take him in to our family doc on Monday. :(

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We're in tae kwon do. I know the main thing that bothers my hips is side & spin kicks. For my son, it's getting height to round kicks. He tries to do it without pivoting his base foot and puts too much strain on his hips and knees.


He could have pulled something or it could be a combination of several things presenting together. Either way, if he has some sort of injury, you definitely want to determine what it is before letting him continue his regular activities. If it is some kind of hip flexor damage, you don't him to make it worse!


Is there any swelling?? If you damage the tendon / ligament (not certain which it is that runs through there!) in that area, you'll usually see some "puffiness" around the joint.


Poor guy! He's too young to be dealing with those types of aches & pains!

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