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Talk to me about BPA! (Cleaning out kitchen cabinets!)


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I've been storing leftovers in Pyrex containers for a few years now, but I do still have a few plastic containers around. Most of these are just taking up room in my cabinet and need to go, but others I'm using and probably shouldn't be (?). For example, I have some nice square plastic ones with airtight lids and recycle code 7 that I use for flour. These I bought a year or so ago from Wal-Mart, Better Homes and Garden brand. What about old Tupperware (most is from 1990, but some could be from a few years later), such as their vegetable storage containers with the vents? There are no codes on the bottom.


Editing to add: what about ziplock bags? :-/ Where does one draw the line?

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Ziploc bags are made from polyethylene and do not contain bpa.

Plastic "7" is the label for all kinds of plastic hat do not match any of the other categories. Polycarbons containing BPA are labeled 7. So, while not every palstic container labeled 7 contains BPA, the BPA ones are labeled 7. I would throw them out.

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Editing to add: what about ziplock bags?


Ziploc bags and the containers are free of PVC, BPA, and phthalates. Ditto for Glad wrap and Saran wrap (and I believe most non-commercial wraps). Commercial wraps on supermarket foods (cheeses, etc.) are the most likely to be made of PVCs. I try to avoid plastic wraps where possible because they end up in the landfill, and there are reasonable alternative.

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