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Finished FLL2, but....


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We finished FLL2, but my DS does not have those parts of speech "mastered" at all. Should we stop and review on our own until he mastered them, or should we continue to FLL3 if it is taught and reviewed further in that book?


I'm looking for some games or apps that will help with the review instead of just spitting back definitions.


MY DS is just finishing second grade, 8 years old, if that matters for your suggestions.

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You are fine to go on. That said, we spent a couple weeks doing The Sentence Family in between the two levels. It was a nice, brief change of pace with a gentle introduction to diagramming. It is told in a story format and we've keft tge pictures up to refer to on occasion.

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OK, thanks! I had a feeling it would continue to review, but since this is not a favorite subject for him, I don't want to set him up for frustration.

I like the idea of doing something else before we start Book 3, just to change it up a little. I'll look for Sentence Family.

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