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Is Wii U that much better than Wii?


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We had a Wii but loaned it to a friend who broke it. I told DH that I'd like a new Wii (~$130) for Mother's Day so that I could play our old games. Instead, he's trying to talk me into the Wii U (~$300 basic to $350 deluxe). He says that it will still play the old Wii games. I know that DH and our DDs would enjoy new games for the Wii U as well. So, is the Wii U worth the extra cost?

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son says: Wii U allows you to download games through the shop channel instead of buying them at the store (most retail games) - tho of course you cant sell them back


does not play game cube games or use game cube controllers, etc


but the touch screen game apd IS pretty cool! a lot of single player games use that. Plus for me - the main reason I used the Wii was to watch netflix, and its SO much easier to select movies using the game pad instead of having to aim at the tv with the wiimote.


Our boys kicked in money and dh matched it - they dont regret having spent the money. I think it was a bit silly, but i figure it will last longer - new games will eventually be more for the WiiU than the Wii, right?

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Our boys got the Wii U for Christmas, after years of a regular Wii. It was definitely a good purchase for us. They can still play all of their old games on the Wii U, but spend most of their Wii time playing the new games instead--they are a lot more interactive and fun (Scribblenauts for Wii, anyone?). And as another poster mentioned, the game controller pad is really neat. Also great here, with only one t.v. hooked up to cable, is the fact that they can continue playing their game on the game pad while the rest of the family can be watching something on t.v.--no more wii monopolizing the t.v. all weekend.


If you're going to be buying another game system anyway, I'd pay more to upgrade to the Wii U.

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Thanks, everyone. It looks like it is unanimous to spring for the Wii U. DH volunteered that a new Wii U system could also count towards his father's day and birthday gifts.


I appreciate the note that the new system will not play Game Cube games. Fortunately, we still have our old Game Cube system and it works fine. I do like to go back and play a few of those games on occasion. Mario Kart racing on the cruise ship, anyone?!?

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