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Blog moms: I just started a blog on blogspot and I don't know how to a) make the

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As far as a counter, blogpatrol is a good one. It should give you and html code to put in once you go into the customize option on your blog and hit add a page element...choose HTML/JavaScript, paste the code they gave you and then it should work.


I think if you are talking about adding captions to your pics on your sidebar, there is a spot that says title...this shows up above the pic and caption shows up below the pic.


I know...clear as mud, but I hope you'll get the gist of it!:001_smile:

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I used Sitemeter.com for statistics. I don't remember how to get it started, but it must be easy if I managed it, since I'm generally clueless.


I also set the Sitemeter to not record my own visits. That way I could see if it was just me admiring myself endlessly or other people actually reading it.

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I used Sitemeter.com for statistics. I don't remember how to get it started, but it must be easy if I managed it, since I'm generally clueless.


I also set the Sitemeter to not record my own visits. That way I could see if it was just me admiring myself endlessly or other people actually reading it.



really am. :tongue_smilie:


I did use the sitemeter and it worked! Imagine that.


Thanks again...and to everyone who answered.

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