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DriversEd.com verses AAA Drivers Education

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Ds18 used Driversed.com last summer. He passed his written exam on the first try, so I was pleased with their program. The in-car component is well organized and tells you exactly what to cover and when. I would use them again.



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We are using DriversEd.com for the second time right now, and I am pleased with it. It is laid out in a very straightforward manner, it seems to cover everything that needs to be covered, and it meets our state requirements. Our older daughter got her license on her first attempt, no problem. I expect our son, who is using the program now, will do the same. Also, it's reasonably priced if you purchase it through the Homeschool Buyer's Co-op. The only suggestion I would make would be to check what your state will accept before choosing a program; here in VA, only a few were on the "approved" list. Good luck!

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Check with your state before choosing a program. We got burned by an online program. My son finished all 30 classroom hours and then the program said they could no longer offer certificates in California. They said they had sent emails and called all purchasers from California, but we were not contacted.


On the other hand, we used AAA after that. Loved it! The benefit in CA is that you can get your permit after the first class meeting, and the behind-the-wheel instruction is integrated into the curriculum.

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DriversEd.com verses AAA Drivers Education.


Has anyone used either of these programs?



Not familiar with DriversEd.com. We have AAA auto insurance. By having DS take the AAA Driver's Ed. program, it dropped his insurance rates quite a bit. You'll have to check with your local auto insurance provider to see if either program will lower teen auto insurance. Sometimes an official transcript with a specific GPA or higher is also required.


As far as did DS learn anything from the program... Yes, he said that while most of it he already knew, but he felt he did get a few worthwhile tips and safety ideas that he did not know from before.


Hope that helps! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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