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Hello from San Francisco!

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Hi Everyone-

My name is Heather and I have 3 kids (10.5, 8 and 5). We are native Texans trying to make our way in California. It has been a fun but challenging experience getting used to living here.


I kind of thought we might be classical homeschoolers but the deal was solidified when I read TWTM. I am a former teacher with 2 degrees in education. After my children started public school, my eyes were totally opened to things I hadn't realized when I was teaching. We are now wrapping up our 2nd full year of homeschooling!


I was referred to this forum by other moms at The Homeschool Lounge and the TOS Review Crew. I am so thrilled to be here. I feel like I've found my people.



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Hi Heather! We live just over the bridge, in Marin. Pm me if you want some contacts for people in the city to connect with. I have a friend who also moved (intentionally!) from Texas to SF a few years ago. I'm sure she could help you get settled.

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