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Dr. recommends low sodium diet-any tips, foods, books or blog recommendations?


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I started a 1500g low sodium diet ( DASH) about a month ago. I thought it would be horrible but it's not really been hard. My biggest issue is eating out will now be a very rare event. I read labels, read labels, read labels. It seems to be pre-packaged things that are the worst. Watch bread products, cheeses, soups and my beloved olives. I keep track with my fitness pal. I have a bazillion spices so I just use plenty and let everyone else add salt at the table. Good luck! Oh and my BP is totally normal after just this small amount of time. I'm not sure if that's your issue but if it is this seems to work quickly.

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It's not for blood pressure, and not for dh-it's a pretty severe fluid issue.


I do cook everything (all organic) from scratch, but I do use salt, broths, cheese, etc. I know I can control it; I just need yummy recipes, etc. or I will never make it!


Plus eating out, eating at friends' houses....it will definitely be a big adjustment for me.

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