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Lastnight 4/21 Once Upon A Time SPOILERS!!!!


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So who watched? What did you think? What do they think Hook is gonna do for them? I am really stumped on that one. I do not like what they have done to Belle at all. The whole town is in trouble now that Rumple has zero reasons to even try to be good. I was sad to see August turned back into a young boy too. As soon as Regina walked out on the road I said watch she is going to turn their tire tracks purple so she can follow them, they turned yellow but I still called it! We saw the Sheriffs counterpart but I wonder where Robin and Marion are in Storybrook? I also have to wonder where their baby is cause I am just strange that way I suppose. I don't believe Hook would do anything that would hurt all of them after all he only has issues with Rumple. Poor Baelfire thought he had the perfect life.

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I really hated what they did with Belle. I guess they need to beef up the bad guys again since they were all getting a little soft ;) What I"m wondering is what happened to the Dad of the boy?

Here's the plot for the next episode...

With the aid of Hook, Regina attempts to put a plan in motion that will help transport herself and Henry back to Fairytale land. But her plan revolves around a fail-safe that was planted within the curse, which if triggered could wipe Storybrooke off the map - and kill all of its inhabitants; and Emma's suspicions about Tamara grow. Meanwhile, in the fairytale land that was, the Evil Queen asks Rumplestiltskin to transform her into an unrecognizable peasant in order to kill an unsuspecting Snow White, with the twisted aim of earning the love and respect of her subjects

I hate having to wait a week for the next episode ;)

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I saw it earlier today. I too HATE what they are doing with Belle. Ack. She was one of my favorite characters. I laughed at all the beans the dwarves left in the chili bowls. Oh, and I was mad excited to see Hook coming back. I {puffy rainbow heart} Hook and his wicked cool, leather coat. I still want him and Emma together. They have chemistry. What happened to the boy's father???? It's making me crazy. And Tamara. Blech.

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I saw it earlier today. I too HATE what they are doing with Belle. Ack. She was one of my favorite characters. I laughed at all the beans the dwarves left in the chili bowls. Oh, and I was mad excited to see Hook coming back. I {puffy rainbow heart} Hook and his wicked cool, leather coat. I still want him and Emma together. They have chemistry. What happened to the boy's father???? It's making me crazy. And Tamara. Blech.

Tamara will be getting killed off or something I read because she is going to be a Walking Dead regular next season. I do not like her at all on this show she just doesn't fit in my opinion. I too wonder what they did with his father. Maybe they did let him go and he never went back to the boy out of some fear they would follow? Maybe they sent him to another land? I want to see them go back to Fairytale Land how would they adjust with no cells or internet LOL!

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I don't mind what they did to Belle, but I'm getting tired of Regina. She's too flip floppy. I'm torn on Rumple being the main bad guy again :( but he is so much more believable than her. I'm sure Rumple will eventually sacrifice himself to save Henry hence the prophecy so I think in the end he's a good guy.


Surely that guy's dad has been turned to stone or something (from some piece of magic she still had when they came to storybrooke) which will be another plot they have to sort out later. I want to see the girlfriend die, I don't like her! I liked pinnochio's actor :( bummed to see him transformed.


Hmmmmm.... Hook or Baelfire...... Can I put Baelfire in Hook's outfit?

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