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How do you decide what price to sell used curriculum for?

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For example I have AAR Level 1 I want to sell. We only used part of it. The teacher's manual is in good condition except for some wear on the edges of the cover, the readers and student cards are all in good shape. The only thing someone would need to use it is the student workbook. I want to make some money on it, but still sell it for a fair price because it IS used. And then do I set it as postage paid or figure the postage out when someone wants it? I have never sold anything before so I'm clueless!!

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I would start at 1/4-1/2 of the new price for all items that are complete, plus figure out how much all of it will cost to ship and add that to the price. (Just put it all in a box with any needed packing materials, weigh it, and go on www.usps.com to find out how much it will cost to send it via media mail within the US.) You can always lower your price, if that doesn't work. You might do a search here and on www.homeschoolclassifieds.com to find out how much others have charged for similar items and price accordingly.

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I always ask half price or less. This is what my local Homeschool Store does for used books, too.


I would start at 1/4-1/2 of the new price for all items that are complete, plus figure out how much all of it will cost to ship and add that to the price. (Just put it all in a box with any needed packing materials, weigh it, and go on www.usps.com to find out how much it will cost to send it via media mail within the US.) You can always lower your price, if that doesn't work. You might do a search here and on www.homeschoolclassifieds.com to find out how much others have charged for similar items and price accordingly.



Thank you both for your replies! I was thinking about the same for pricing. And klmama thanks for the info about shipping, that was what I was the most clueless about!!

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We've been homeschooling for 6 years, and for 4 of those years I've bought and sold everything used! Only way we can afford to keep going at times.


One thing dh told me when I first started trying to "flip" our homeschool curriculum was this --- keep in mind you can always LOWER your price, but you really can't RAISE it!


We take good care of our books --- no marks / writing / dog-eared pages, etc. I typically start at 1/2 of retail + estimated shipping charges.


If it's something I don't really "need" to get rid of right away, I don't mind letting it sit out there for awhile. If I'm in the middle of trying to buy / sell curriculum for a new schoolyear, I'll wait about 2 - 3 weeks and lower it by a few dollars. Most everything sells pretty quickly this time of year.


I seldom "give" my curriculum away -- pricing it way below retail! If it doesn't sell I can always reintegrate back into our schooling somehow.


I have noticed a trend lately of people trying to get me to lower my prices. I think it's just the financial condition we're all in. If it's just a dollar or two, I'll usually do it. There've been times in our homeschooling where we were barely scraping by, so I can totally relate!


Hope that helps!

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I look around on eBay, Amazon, homeschoolclassifieds.com, etc and see how others are pricing. If I want to sell it fast, I do it a little lower than everyone else. If I'm not in a hurry, I list it around what others are listing. I buy used almost every time, and if I find something in great shape for half of retail, I often will try to snatch it up!

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I sell on eBay.

If there's a glut of whatever it is (lower level Sonlight for example,) I'll price it around 25% of retail. If it's something that's harder to find (Holt Science & Tech textbooks+CDs), I'll put it at 75%. And, because I have an eBay store, I set my price and wait until someone wanders through that's willing to pay it.

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I sell cheap or give it away, in fact I often post almost everything I want to get rid of on paperback swap.

No we don't have much money, but I believe that things I need will show up and they almost always do (or something close enough does).


When I do have something to sell, I usually look at what it is going for here or on Amazon and do around that.

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