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Thoughts on complete BJU press curriculum??? 2nd grade


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I was wanting some good advice about BJU complete curriculum. I've been looking at reviews and overall each areas of their curriculum seem to get good reviews. How doable with multiple children? I know it's not classical but it seems rigorous and seems to cover everything. I have 4 children, oldest is 7. I'm not interested in doing the dvd or online options. Just me teaching. So, should I steer clear to more teacher friendly or is this doable?

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In general, I like BJUP. I would probably not buy the whole box of books, though: probably the arithmetic (student and teacher), the grammar/writing (student and teacher), and the spelling (student and teacher). For science and history, which are just one-semester courses for that age, I'd just get the student books and read them aloud. I also wouldn't get the readers and workbooks and stuff. I'm not a big fan of the beginning phonics/reading; I'd go with something like Explode the Code instead for your littles, and your oldest if you think he needs some more phonics.

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My boys did the complete Grade level online. I will tell you that it makes for a long day if you do everything. For example, Heritage Studies is very dry and boring. So we opted to not do the video for that lesson, and instead, we read the textbook and did the activities. We all enjoy doing Science so we follow the TE instead of watching the lesson online.


Overall, it's been a very solid program for us. The Reading program was essential in the early years, and my boys are both very strong readers as a result. But again, we opted to go in a different direction this year so we're not following their program this year. We have used the Booklinks a few times this year, but I teach it instead of the videos. Our reading program is basically me picking books for them, and we lapbook or do a book report on it.


The Math is perfect for my boys. They do well with mastery math programs, and BJU leans more mastery than spiral.


If you would like a peek of what to expect when using BJU Online, I blogged about it a few years ago. There have been some subtle changes since I blogged about it, but they have all improved the program (based on parental feedback). Here is the link: http://arkofcovington.com/wp/?p=771




Since BJU allows for you to pick and choose subjects now, you might want to pick your essential subjects, then teach the rest yourself. The TE is scripted, so if you need a little confidence in your teaching, that's nice to have.


My boys are a year apart, but we combine: Reading, Science, Heritage Studies, Bible. They each have their own lessons for: Math, English, Spelling.

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We did BJu for many years. We have used pretty much all the subjects from K-9th and some beyond that. All of it is very good IF done the way it is intended, with the teacher manual. Other wise it is no more then a workbook curriculum and you can buy any ol'thing for that. The teacher manuals are scripted (but I used it as an idea on what to say not word for word) but it also gives one on one work to do together teaching the lesson. Science there is a boat load of demonstrations and experiments when using the teacher's manual and includes a guide to logical thinking, taking what is given and showing them how it fits with the big picture. Heritage Studies also has lots of hands on activites to do besides just read and discus. It is history and social studies in one curriculum.


Going all BJU will give your child an excellent education. With that said I will warn you, doing it with the manuals (which is how the curriculum is set up) for multiple kids is a lot but doable (I did it with 3 children for years). It just takes time and planning and a schedule you stick to. The heritage studies and science can both be used for multiple age children so that helps if you combine your children here and that leaves math, reading, and language at the childs individual level. I use to teach one while the others were working on corrections or workpages or readings. THe only reason I left BJU (we still use the math) is I wanted a different approach to school and dd has a different learning style. I have gone back for different subjects because with BJU you know they get a solid curriculum.

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