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Remember my thread about the co-op teaching position? And, Rod & Staff Question.

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Link: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/468603-religous-co-ops-and-the-teacherupdate-in-52/


Well, She GOT THE JOB! And in case you did not figure it out, I am the she in question. :D


Just got off the phone with them, they offered me the position and I took it. :D


I start in August and I am actually excited about it.


Thanks for all your help on the questions. They really helped me put the situation in perspective.


I'm pretty sure I'll be using Rod and Staff Grammar and Writing for 7th grade. My only question is, how much actual writing lessons are in this curriculum? I've used the 8th grade before, but I do not remember how much writing is in it. Anyone?






(I'm off to bed now, so I'll answer more in the morning)

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I recently purchased it to use next year. A quick look at the table of contents looks like it averages out to one writing assignment a week (using it 4 days a week for 36 weeks). However, I haven't looked closely to see what the assignments actually are. Based on our experiences with the 6th grade book, just because it's labeled a writing assignment doesn't mean they'll do much ACTUAL writing. It could just be a prep work lesson for a writing assignment in the future.


Congratulations on the job, but just out of curiosity, really, why the need to be so cryptic in the original thread? Why not just say it was you to start with?

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I didn't want any bias, Danielle1746. I wanted to give the facts without putting myself into it so that I got honest answers without it being personal. I've noticed posters doing this a lot. It was just a way to get honest feedback. No harm was meant by it.

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I am a former editor and proofreader, and I currently teach writing and literature to high school and middle school homeschoolers. I teach two lit classes that include a strong writing component, and I teach a writer's workshop that is all expository writing.


I adore R&S for grammar. In the younger grades, the writing instruction in R&S is decent for the basics. However, by junior high, it's not nearly enough for writing, and it's very formulaic.


If I were teaching a grammar and writing course, I would structure the grammar to be done primarily at home and would focus my attention on the writing portion of the class. I would not use R&S for any writing assignments. You might consider SWB's writing curriculum--I like it better than others I have seen on the market.


I have friends who have taught their children solid writing skills using WriteShop or IEW. My concern with either program is that they are formulaic and that there is not room for a writer's individual voice. IEW in particular tends to reduce the process to a matter of mechanics. If you use either of these programs, you should specifically keep this in mind and come up with creative ways to foster self-expression. One idea would be to intersperse fiction writing assignments occasionally with the expository essays--fiction writing is more organic, and will help your writers relax a little.


Another thing I like to do is evaluate well-written pieces and then coach the students to write something in the same style. Imitation can be an excellent training tool.

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I didn't want any bias, Danielle1746. I wanted to give the facts without putting myself into it so that I got honest answers without it being personal. I've noticed posters doing this a lot. It was just a way to get honest feedback. No harm was meant by it.


No harm done. I really was just curious. I don't post much here. Thanks for the candid response!


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