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Has anyone used Home Educator's Tutor?

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I bought the Home Educator's Tutor from the Erskine family (from HomeschoolFreebieoftheDay) awhle back. Looking to revise what we're doing right now because none of us are just that enthused with it lately. I came across the HETutor today and am thinking about just using that as our main curriculum for a few weeks. It follows the Charlotte Mason method.


Has anyone else done this? Used it at all? What was your experience?

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We did a light day today, only doing schoolwork for a couple of hours this afternoon. I had perused through the curriculum last night, jotting down a few of things that sparked my interest. Each 'term' has a suggested lesson plan and I may try to follow that for a few weeks, starting week after next. (Kids are in a production weekend after this and next weeks is Production Week. No way am I going to make them concentrate on a full school schedule when they have rehearsal every afternoon!)


Anyway, today we read some writings from Shakespeare about Asgard (and, thus, Odin, Thor, etc.). I should say I read the first four readings aloud with both kids and then some Nature Study about ants to my son. We also discussed the folk song "Clementine", it's verses, and its origin. Quite the depressing song and we all agree we don't know why anyone would want to repeatedly sing it, except for the fact that the tune is catchy!. While I read to my son about the Intelligence of Ants, my daughter did her math in another room.


Another thing we did together is I dictated James 4:10 to them to right down. Then, immediately afterward, I wrote out the Latin of the same verse, instructed them on the pronunciation, and then had them copy the Latin. We had several giggles over the Latin word that means to "humble yourselves" because it's just a fun word to say: humiliamini.


All of this took about two hours, with some work being done in my room, while they sat on the bed, and some in the living room with the kids sitting on the couch.


Obviously, a light day but they still learned about the classics (Norse Mythology and Shakespeare), science: ants and insects (my daughter told me she listened in when she was done with her math), American music history (Clementine), character building (Scripture), foreign language: Latin, and practiced penmanship, too. Not bad for two hours of work!



CAVEAT: in the intro to each Volume, the HETutor states it's meant as a supplement to whatever you're currently using. I needed a break from what we were truly only half using. As stated above, I may use it as the main curriculum for a few weeks just to see where it takes us. Today, I feel like we've covered/accomplished much more than we usually do lately.



Anyone else use the Home Educators Tutor? Or maybe any type of Charlotte Mason method?

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